conformity - change in behaviour due to group pressure
internalisation - a person changing their public behaviour and their private beliefs as there is a genuine acceptance of group norms
identification - when a person changes their public behaviour and private beliefs to conform to the social expectations of a role whilst they're in the presence of the group
NSI - conforming within a group to not feel left out, leads to compliance
ISI - conforming when there is a desire to be right in uncertain situations, leads to internalisation
A type of social influence where there is a change in a person's behaviour or opinion as a result of a real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people
Types of conformity (Kelman)
Making the beliefs, values, attitude and behaviour of the group your own (the strongest type of conformity, and often occurs as a result of informational social influence)
Temporary/short term change of behaviour and beliefs only in the presence of a group (middle level)
Following other people's ideas/going along with the group to gain their approval or avoid disapproval (lowest/weakest level of conformity)
Informational Social Influence
When someone conforms because they want to be right, so they look to others by copying or obeying them, to have the right answer in a situation
Normative Social Influence
When someone conforms because they want to be liked and be part of a group