Tissue layers that develop in the embryo

Cards (11)

  • the developing animal embryo consists of a mass of cells that are arranged in the shape of a ball
  • Different tissue layers (germ layers) can be distinguished:
    ectoderm- outer germ layer
    endoderm- inner germ layer
    mesoderm germ layer between ecto and endoderm
  • Diploblastic
    embryo has two germ layers: ectoderm on the outside and an endoderm on the inside
  • Triploblastic
    embryo has three germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm and a mesoderm between the ectoderm and endoderm
  • Animals that show radial symmetry only have two germ layers and are diploblastic
  • Diploblastic animals have tissue level of organisation and do not develop organs
  • All bilaterally symmetrical animals are triploblastic with three germ layers and an organ level of organisation
  • All different tissues and organs of an animal develop from the three germ layers
  • Ectoderm
    • outer protective layer
    • nervous system and sense organs
  • Endoderm
    Develop: epithelial lining of digestive tract
  • Mesoderm
    • internal organs, part of blood, muscular, reproductive systems, skeleton and connective tissue