A variant population (B) outgrows the others and appears as new species, i.e. B is better than A under new condition. Thus, nature selects for fitness.
Heritable minor variations: It is either beneficial or harmful to the organisms
Overproduction: Population size grows exponentially due to maximum reproduction (E.g. bacterial population)
Limited natural resources: Resources are not increased in accordance with the population size
Struggle for existence: It is the competition among organisms for resources so that population size is limited
Survivalofthefittest: In struggle for existence, organisms with beneficial variations can utilize resources better. Hence, they survive and reproduce. This is called Survival of the fittest. It leads to a change in population characteristics and new forms appear
Allele frequencies in a population are stable and is constant from generation to generation in the absence of disturbing factors. The gene pool (total genes and their alleles in a population) remains a constant. This is called genetic equilibrium (Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium).
In South America, there were mammals resembling horse, hippopotamus, bear, rabbit etc. Due to continental drift, when South America joined North America, these animals were overridden by North American fauna
Due to continental drift, Australian marsupials survived because of lack of competition from any other mammals