Organism and population

Cards (52)

  • Ecology
    The study of interactions among organisms and between the organism and its physical (abiotic) environment
  • Levels of biological organization in ecology
    • Organisms
    • Populations
    • Communities
    • Biomes
  • Physiological ecology

    The study of adaptation of an organism to environments in terms of survival and reproduction
  • The rotation of earth and the tilt of its axis cause annual variations in temperature & seasons. Major biomes (desert, rain forest, tundra etc.) are formed due to these variations & precipitation (rain & snow)
  • Regional and local variations within a biome lead to the formation of different habitats
  • Life exists even in extreme & harsh habitats
  • Niche
    The distinct role and position of an organism in its environment
  • Abiotic factors
    • Temperature
    • Water
    • Light
    • Soil
  • Eurythermal
    Organisms that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures
  • Stenothermal
    Organisms that can tolerate only a narrow range of temperatures
  • Euryhaline
    Organisms that tolerate a wide range of salinities
  • Stenohaline
    Organisms that tolerate only a narrow range of salinity
  • Regulate
    The maintenance of homeostasis by physiological & behavioural means
  • Conform
    Organisms that cannot maintain a constant internal environment, their body temperature or osmotic concentration change with the surrounding conditions
  • Migrate
    Animals that move away temporarily from stressful habitat to a more hospitable area and return when stressful period is over
  • Suspend
    Organisms that reduce their metabolic activity to survive unfavourable conditions
  • Adaptation
    The morphological, physiological & behavioural attribute that enables an organism to survive and reproduce in its habitat
  • Adaptations of kangaroo rat in North American deserts
    • Internal fat oxidation gives water as byproduct if there is no external source of water
    • Ability to concentrate urine so that minimal volume of water is used to remove excretory products
  • Adaptations of desert plants
    • Presence of thick cuticle on leaf surfaces
    • Sunken stomata minimise water loss due to transpiration
    • CAM photosynthetic pathway enables their stomata to remain closed during day time
    • Desert plants like Opuntia have no leaves (they are reduced to spines), photosynthesis is done by stems
  • Adaptations of mammals
    • Mammals from colder climates have shorter ears and limbs to reduce heat loss (Allen's Rule)
    • Aquatic mammals like seals have a thick layer of fat (blubber) below their skin that acts as an insulator and reduces loss of body heat
  • Physiological and biochemical adaptations
    • Archaebacteria are found in hot springs & deep-sea hydrothermal vents where temperature is >100??C
    • Many marine invertebrates & fishes live at great depths in the ocean where the pressure is >100 times the normal atmospheric pressure
    • At a high-altitude place (>3,500 m) the body compensates low O2 availability by increasing RBC & breathing rate and decreasing the binding capacity of hemoglobin
  • Behavioural adaptations
    • Desert lizards bask in the sun and absorb heat when their body temperature is low, but move into shade when the ambient temperature starts increasing
    • Some species burrow into the soil to hide and escape from the above-ground heat
  • Population
    A group of individuals of same species that live in a given geographical area, share or compete for similar resources and potentially reproduce
  • Birth rate
    Per capita births
  • Death rate
    Per capita deaths
  • Sex ratio
    The proportion of males and females in a population
  • Age pyramid
    The structure obtained when the age distribution (% individuals of a given age or age group) is plotted for the population
  • Population size or population density (N)

    The number of individuals of a species per unit area or volume
  • Natality (B)
    The number of births in a population during a given period
  • Mortality (D)

    The number of deaths in a population during a given period
  • Immigration (I)
    The number of individuals of the same species that have come into the habitat from elsewhere during a given time period
  • Emigration (E)

    The number of individuals of the population who left the habitat and gone elsewhere during a given time period
  • Population growth
    Nt+1 = Nt + [(B + I) - (D + E)]
  • Exponential growth
    If resources are unlimited, each species shows its full innate potential to grow in number, and the population grows in an exponential or geometric fashion
  • Intrinsic rate of natural increase (r)
    An important parameter for assessing impacts of any biotic or abiotic factor on population growth
  • When colonizing habitat, immigration may be more significant to population growth than birth rates
  • Exponential growth
    • Resources (food & space) are essential for the unimpeded population growth
    • If resources are unlimited, each species shows its full innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in an exponential or geometric fashion
    • If population size = N, birth rates (per capita births) = b and death rates (per capita deaths) = d, then the increase or decrease in N during a unit time period t (dN/dt) will be dN/dt = (b – d) × N
    • Let (b–d) = r, then dN/dt = rN
    • The r ('intrinsic rate of natural increase') is an important parameter for assessing impacts of any biotic or abiotic factor on population growth
  • Logistic growth
    • There is no population in nature having unlimited resources for exponential growth. This leads to competition among individuals for limited resources
    • Eventually, the 'fittest' individuals survive and reproduce
    • In nature, a given habitat has enough resources to support a maximum possible number, beyond which no further growth is possible. It is called carrying capacity (K)
    • A population with limited resources shows initially a lag phase, phases of acceleration & deceleration and finally an asymptote. This type of population growth is called Verhulst-Pearl Logistic Growth. It is described by following equation: N = K / (1 + (K-N0)/N0 * e^(-rt))
  • Life History Variation
    • Populations evolve to maximise their reproductive fitness or Darwinian fitness (high r value)
    • Some organisms breed only once in their lifetime (Pacific salmon fish, bamboo) while others breed many times (most birds and mammals)
    • Some produce a large number of small-sized offspring (Oysters, pelagic fishes) while others produce a small number of large-sized offspring (birds, mammals)
    • These facts indicate that life history traits of organisms have evolved due to limited abiotic and biotic components of the habitat
  • Population Interactions
    • Mutualism
    • Competition
    • Predation
    • Parasitism
    • Commensalism
    • Amensalism