Cards (14)

  • Have dorsal, rod-like structure, the notochord which supports the body during the embryonic stage
  • Notochord may remain in adults, or be replaced by a vertebral column
  • Vertebrata classes:
  • Bilateral symmetry and cephalisation
  • Advanced nervous system with receptor organs for sight, hearing, smell and touch at the anterior end
  • Triploblastic, organs that develop from an embryo with three germ layers
  • Organs function together as advanced systems
  • True coelom occurs in mesoderm, therefore Chordate are coelomate
  • The digestive tract has two openings: mouth at anterior end, and an anus at the posterior end
  • Complete/ through gut
  • High specialised regions with specific functions are distinguished in the digestive tract
  • Exoskeleton made of bone and/ or cartilage, with muscular system responsible for movement/ locomotion
  • Heart as a pump and blood is restricted to the blood vessels, therefore Chordata have a closed blood system
  • Specialised gaseous exchange organs: e.g glands in fish, lungs in amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals