AO3 types of LTM

Cards (4)

  • Brain scanning techniques support distinction between 3 types. Research shows that different areas of the brain are active when recalling different types of LTM. episodic memory is shown to trigger activity in the hippocampus whereas procedural is associated with the cerebellum. Therefore supports physical evidence of distinction.
  • support from HM - after his surgery he could form new procedural LTMs but not remember the event. For example HM was able to draw a shape using mirror image and performed this quickly representing procedural memory. However could not consciously recollect experience which validates distinction.
  • practical applications - identification of different types allows psychologists to target certain memories to better people's lives. studies show episodic memory can be improved in the elderly with cognitive impairment i.e. vulnerable to dementia. therefore beneficial as able to develop treatments to help patients.
  • researchers argue there are only two types of LTM, procedural & declarative i.e. episodic & semantic memories stored together in one LTM store. this has implications for treatments of brain damaged patients as this would affect where the memories are stored i.e. in one or two locations.