
Subdecks (1)

Cards (15)

  • interactionist theory

    how we perceive others
  • labelling theory
    -attach meaning / definition to someone
  • labellings affect in school

    -teachers label students
    -changes teachers behaviour to students
  • Becker's study

    -teachers label students based on how closely student fits image of ideal pupil
  • Jorgensen
    -teachers in working class areas have different perceptions of what makes ideal student
    -working class schools have more behavioural issues
  • impact of labelling in secondary > working class
    -Dunne & Gazeley
    -argue schools produce working class underachievement
    -teachers normalise underachievement in working class
    -teachers unconcerned & said they couldn't do anything
    -entered underachieving into easier exams
  • impact of labelling in secondary > middle class
    -teachers believed could overcome underachievement in middle class
    -teachers believe due to student's background
    -set extension work to underachieving students
  • impact of labelling in primary
    -American kindergarden
    -teachers used info from child's home background & appearance
    -seated at different tables
  • Rist's labelling study
    -fast learners = 'tigers' > sat near teacher desk
    > middle class
    -'cardinals' & 'clowns' > seated further away
    > working class
    > fewer chances to show abilities
  • self fulfilling prophecy

    -students internalise labels teachers give
    -students perception of themselves shaped by how teacher treats them
    -self conception reflects teachers stereotypes
  • self fulfilling prophecy : case study
    -Rosenthal & Jacobson
    -teachers told students doing test to show who'll 'spurt ahead'
    -researches picked random 20% of who's 'spurters'
    -year later > 47% made significant progress