the heart ( muscular organ that pumps blood through the body)
The blood vessels ( veins , arteries , capillaries)
Blood ( red blood cells , plasma , white blood cells , plasma , platelets)
The cardiovascular system mainly make up the circulatory system
The main function of the cardiovascular system is to provide oxygen , nutrient , hormones , amino acides , etc to the tissues , muscles and organs through the body , through the blood.
The Heart pumps the blood to the body through a network of artieries and veins and capillaries ( blood vessels)
The heart help provide blood to all the body's tissue for them to function properly .Tha way it keeps organs , muscles and tissues healthy and working to keep you alive.
The cardiovascular system also helps your body to get rid of any waste product, such as carbon dioxide , from respiration , through the blood
Arteries : every blood vessels that goes from the heart -> High pressure
Arteriess : part of the circulatory system that are blood vessels that bring blood from the heart to all the body's cell. They keep the body alive and healthy by delivering what your cell and tissue need
Artery : composed by three parts :
External part ( Tunica externa ) : Fibrous and large layer of connecting tissue
Middle part (tunica media) : Elastic fibres and smooth muscles
Internal part (tunica intima ) : Kind of a protective layer between the lumen and the smooth muscles
Lumen : Carry the oxygenated blood (high pressure ) -> tight hole compared to the veins's lumen
The circulatory system has three circuit in which blood will circulate. It will circulate in through the heart and through these circuits in a continuous pattern.
One of the system through which the blood will circulate is called "The systemic circuit". -> Blood with oxygen , nutrient and hormones travel from the heart to the rest of the body. In the veins , blood bri,g back waste products as the body uses up oxygen , nutrient and hormones.
One of the system through which the blood will circulate is called "Pulmonary circuit" -> This circuit carries blood with poor oxygen from the heart to the lungs through arteries. The pulmonary veins return oxygenated blood to thr heart
One of the system through which the blood will circulate is called "Coronary circuit " -> It refers to the heart's arteries. This circuit provides the heart muscle with oxygenated blood . It then return oxygenated-poor blood to the heart's atrium to send to the lungs for oxygen.