An effect that triggers a more effective response in an animal
Supernormal stimulus
Cuckoo's larger, orange beak is a bigger stimulus for the female to feed it
Snail-turning bird chooses the nest with a larger egg
Inherited behavior
Non-experiential behavior
Unconditional reflex
The inherited response that occurs immediately to a given stimulus
Unconditional reflex
Insects become immobile in response to a sudden stimulus
People close their eyes or try to dodge in response to a sudden stimulus
Taxi driver behavior
The stimulus not only triggers but also influences the direction of the animal's movement, constantly controlling it
Taxi driver behavior
Flatworm crawls between 2 light sources to avoid light
Learned behavior
Behaviors that differ from individual to individual because they come from their own experience
Engraving of goslings where the first moving creature is perceived as the mother
Prey grabbing behaviour of predators
Ferret plays with hamster, hamster dislikes and attacks, ferret learns hamster is not a friend
The animal learns what stimuli not to respond to
Snails stop hiding after repeated blows
The opposite of habituation, the animal becomes more responsive to a stimulus
Flatworm twitches even in response to a flash of light after being hit by an electric current
Conditional reflex
An indifferent stimulus is associated with a stimulus of food, and the animal responds to the indifferent stimulus alone
More complex learning, gaining experience through active action
Operant learning
Catlearns to step on a pedal to get food outside its cage
Insightful learning
The most complex form of learning, using tools to solve problems
Insightful learning
Chimpanzee uses sticks of different lengths to reach food outside its cage
A group of behaviors with both inherited and learned elements
Experienceddeaf female turkey recognizes her chicks without sound, inexperienceddeaf female kills her chicks
The basic subsistence behavior of animals, where the stimulus not only triggers, but also determines the direction of movement and constantly controls it
Flatworm vs. light
Wasp (bee wolf) laying cones around its nest, memorizing them and moving accordingly
Orientation using objects
If the cones are pushed away, the wasp will fly towards them, it will not find its nest
Orientation of bats and dolphins
They navigate with the help of ultrasounds and their reflection
Orientation of migratory birds
They navigate during the day with the help of the position of the stars, and the Earth's magnetic field also plays a role
Life-sustaining behaviors
It may be a simpler form in animals whose immediate environment is their food (earthworms, whales), or more complex in herbivores and predators
It's not enough to just open their mouths, they sometimes have to search for food
They must learn the most effective methods of stalking prey, killing and consuming prey
Predator's behavior
Triggers an escape/defensive behavior in prey
Reproductive behavior is a basic behavioral manifestation in animals
Reproductive behavior depends on internal hormonal and sexual maturity factors and external stimuli, such as lengthening of the time of day, abundance of food, etc.
Mate selection
The first step in reproduction
Triggering stimulus: smell, sound, colour, movement