This packing and supportive tissue accounts for much of the bulk of the young plants
It also functions as food manufacture and storage
• It contains three main cell types: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma
Dermal Tissue• This is plant's protective outer covering in contact with the environmentIt facilitates water and ion uptake in roots and regulates gas exchange in leaves and stems
Vascular Tissue Together the phloem and xylem from a continuous vascular system throughout the plant This tissue conducts water and solutes between organs and also provides mechanical support.
Nectaries - secret nectars
Hydatodes - secret pure water.
Sweat glands - found in dessert plants.
Osmophores - secrete fragrance in flowers.
Digestive glands - found in insect eating plants
Adhesive cells - secrete materials that aid attachment between host and parasite.
Resin ducts - secrete sticky resin.
Mucilage cells - found in the growing tip of the roots aid the passage of roots through the soil.tracheids
Oil chambers - secrete aromatic oils.
Gum ducts - cell wall modification resulting to production of gums.
Laticifers - latex secreting glands.
Myrosin cells - secrete enzymes called myrosinase that produced toxic oil called isothiocyanate.
Meristematic Tissue - Part of a plant where cell division(mitosis) or production of new cells occurs. a. apical meristem• Tip of stem and roots(shoot or root apical meristem); give rise to the primary meristemb. lateral meristem - Stem and roots• b1. Vascular cambium• b2. Phellogen (cork cambium)c. Intercallarymeristem• Internodes and bases of young leaves
Permanent Tissues - Derived from meristems which have attained maturity form thus perform their specific function.
epidermis - Outermost layers of cells of the primary plant body Contain stomata, trichomes (appendages)
Collenchyma Thickened tissue found in the cortex of the stem and petioles or along the veins of the leaves - Its cells are alive at maturity and have only a primary wall-These cells mature from meristem derivatives that initially resemble parenchyma, but differences quickly become apparentCollenchyr2. Permanent perform
SCLERENCHYMA - hard and tough cells with a function in mechanical support. Scattered throughout the plant. Found in both primary and secondary tissues.
TYPES OF SCLERENCHYMA Fibers - known as bast fibers Schleroids or stone cells - similar with fiber thick walls and lignified, may be living or dead at maturity.
Cork- Outermost tissue; impregnated with suberin (waxy substance)
Xylem Conduct water and mineral salts upward the plant body
Phloem Distributes the dissolved food materials between the source and sinks
Tap root System - Primary root grows vertical downward Branches grows downward or horizontally outwards Functions: Absorb water, mineral, salts from soil, anchorage
Adventitious Root System - Roots that grow from any part of the plant of the plant body other than radicle
Fibrous Root System - in monocots (with all adventitious roots)
Semi roots - Derived from the seeds of grasses.
Foliar Root System - From leaves mainly petiole or vein (spontaneous or due to injury)
Stem • Supporting and conducting organ initially developed from the epicotyl• major parts: Bark, Pith and Wood (Composed of xylem made up of vessels, fibers and parenchyma cells)
Regions of the root
• root cap - Protects the tender apex
• region of cell division - 1 to few mm above the root cap; have small cells with thin walls, dense with protoplasm; undergo repeated cell division(meristematic region)
region of elongation - Lies above meristematic region; extends to 1-5 mm; undergo rapid elongation and enlargement.region of maturation - Lies above meristematic region of elongation, this region produces root hairs
Erect or strong stems - unbranched; erect; cylindrical; stout; slim jointed stem with solid nodes and hollow internodes
Weak stemsWeaktrailingstem- on ground without rooting at the nodes Creeping stem- runner, stolon, offset or sucker Climbing stem- attaches or climbs objects (vines)
• bulb- Short, erect underground stem
• culm- Flowering stem of grasses and sedges
• offset- Like runner originates from leaf axil as a short and thickened branch away from the
mother plant
rhizome- Horizontal underground stem
runner - Intermediate aboveground stem with internodes and new plantlet at the tip
sucker- Shoot arising below the ground from old stem
tendril- Slender coiling branch for climbing
• tiller- Shoot produced from the base of the stem or culm• tuber- Thick storage underground stem• corm- Enlarged solid fleshy base
Stolon - Slender just like the stem of grasses
CROWN - modified stem with very short internodes.
Parts of leaf
Leaf base - part attached to the stem
Petiole - stalk of leaf
Leaf blade or lamina - green expanded portion of the leaf
Dicotyledon - Embryo lies within an axis of two cotyledons