The aim of Milgram's study was to investigate how obedient people would be to orders from a person in authority that would result in pain and harm to another person
Milgram concluded that the majority of people are willing to follow destructive orders, and that obedience did not come easily but involved a conflict between obeying authority and not harming others
Milgram's explanations for the high levels of obedience included the setting, the aim being worthwhile, the participants feeling obligated, and the shocks being portrayed as not dangerous
Factors that decrease obedience include reducing the power or closeness of the experimenter, making the situation appear less respectable/scientific, and the presence of disobedient participants
Bocchiaro wanted to investigate who are the people that disobey or blow the whistle, why they choose the challenging moral path, what they are thinking and feeling, and if they have personal characteristics that differentiate them from those who obey
Bocchiaro's aims were similar to Milgram's in terms of investigating ethically wrong instructions and disobedience/obedience, but different in terms of also investigating whistleblowing, accuracy of estimates, and dispositional factors
Bocchiaro's sample included 149 participants, 138 surveyed on how they think they would respond, and 92 took part in 8 pilot studies. Sample was from VU Uni in Amsterdam(ethnocentric). Paid 7 euros to partake.