Ict networks

Cards (35)

  • Networking hardware includes routers, switches, hubs, modems, and cables.
  • the network will fail if the central computer/server malfunctions
  • Cabling installation, management and equipment for a star network is more expensive than a ring network
  • Star network
    • Increased security - if one computer is not working, the rest are not affected
    • Additional computers can be easily added by connecting to the file server
    • High performance, no collisions
  • Ring network
    • Each computer directly connected to two other adjacent computers to form a ring
    • Data passes from one workstation to another in one direction
  • To add a new computer to a ring network, the cable between two existing computers has to be broken and each part attached to the new computer
  • Ring network traffic can pass through the network interface of each device, or the devices can be connected to the central ring by spurs
  • Ring network
    • Very easy to implement
    • Workstations can be added easily
  • If the bus cable has to carry traffic for a large number of devices, the efficiency of the backbone will drop
  • A fault in the bus cable will cause the network to fail as all communication breaks down
  • A bus network is less secure than a star network as each device has access to the bus and data could be intercepted
  • Terminator
    Stops the signal returning/bouncing back down the backbone cable, to absorb the data
  • Router
    • A sophisticated switched hub that holds information about computer addresses and forwards data efficiently using IP addresses
    • Used as a gateway to connect a LAN to a larger network like the internet
    • Can monitor traffic and limit access for certain sites or users
    • Can be wired or wireless
  • A wireless router is also known as a Wireless Access Point (WAP)
  • Network topology
    The theoretical arrangement of the components of a network
  • Network interface card (NIC)
    • An electronic circuit board built into a computer to allow it to be connected to a network
    • Allows the computer and file server to communicate
  • Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC)

    Allows a computer to connect wirelessly to a router
  • File server
    • The main computer on the network, with large RAM and hard disk space
    • Stores user files and manages network security
  • Fibre optic cables
    • Do not corrode
    • Have large data capacity
    • Can support multiple services at the same time
  • Fibre optic cables are more expensive than copper wiring and expensive to install
  • Mobile broadband
    • Delivery of internet service using mobile phone technology
    • Requires a 'dongle' or portable modem for devices without built-in hardware
  • Mobile communication technology
    • Flexible access, high speed transfers with 4G, allows access to TV, gaming, social media etc.
    • Better at penetrating buildings than 3G
  • Mobile communication technology speeds are limited by mobile signal strength, which may depend on location
  • Unlimited mobile data usage is expensive, with other options capping usage
  • 4G coverage is increasing but not universal, and 4G frequencies may be incompatible across countries
  • Mobile communication technology has high battery consumption
  • Bluetooth
    • Short range wireless communication standard to connect devices
    • Devices must be 'paired' to communicate
  • Bluetooth
    • Can be used to pair devices like headphones and activity trackers
    • Automatic sensing - devices reconnect when in range
    • Low power requirement
  • Bluetooth has short range, usually less than 10 metres, and slower data transmission rate than other wireless technologies
  • Optical fibre
    • Bundles of fine glass strands that carry data as pulses of light
    • Allows rapid data transmission and is better for long distance communication than electrical cables
  • Optical fibre is more expensive than copper cables, so is often only cost effective for very high bandwidth demand
  • Unterschiede zwischen Internet, World Wide Web, Intranet und Internet der Dinge
    • Das Internet ist das Netzwerk miteinander verbundener Netzwerke
    • Das World Wide Web ist ein Dienst/eine Anwendung, die das Internet nutzt, um Webseiten zwischen Webservern und einzelnen Geräten zu übertragen
    • Ein Intranet ist ein privates Netzwerk, auf das nur autorisierte Nutzer einer Organisation zugreifen können
    • Das Internet der Dinge ist das Netzwerk von Geräten, die die Fähigkeit haben, sich direkt mit dem Internet zu verbinden
  • World Wide Web
    Anwendung, die auf dem Internet läuft und die am häufigsten genutzte Dienstleistung im Internet ist
  • World Wide Web
    • Webseiten sind in der Programmiersprache HTML geschrieben und werden in einem Webbrowser angezeigt
    • Kommunikation im World Wide Web erfolgt über das Protokoll HTTP
  • Das Internet ist ein WAN, da es ein weltweites Netzwerk ist, in dem Computer an geografisch getrennten Standorten über Satelliten miteinander verbunden sind