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  • Human Wellbeing
    The recognition that everyone around the world, regardless of geography, age, culture, religion or political environment, aspires to live well.
  • Happy Planet Index
    Ranks each country based on wellbeing
    HPI = wellbeing x life expectancy x inequality of outcome ÷ ecological footprint
  • Human Development Index
    Measures Education (Literacy rate), Health (life expectancy), and Wealth (GNI/capita) of a country
  • Development
    Changes in the economic and social conditions in a country which improves the standards of living of its people
  • MEDC (more economically developed country)

    Countries that have a high level of development in terms of economic and social indicators. E.g. Australia, USA, Germany
  • LEDC (less economically developed country)

    Countries that have a low standard of living. E.g. Ethiopia, Haiti, Bangladesh
  • GDP per capita
    Sum of all the gross value (goods and services) divided by the population of the country
  • Spatial Distribution
    How resources, activities and human demographic features of landscapes are arranged across the earth.
  • Spatial Association
    The strength of the pattern between the locations/distributions of 2 different geographical features
    "strong" "weak" "no" - spatial association
  • Spatial Variation
    When a quantity that is measured at different spatial locations exhibits values that differ across the locations
  • Poverty Cycle
    Means that you live on less than $1 a day, remaining in poverty for 3 or more generations. Mainly occurs in developing countries where there is intense, extreme and widespread poverty.
  • Gender Inequality
    The unequal treatment of someone based on gender
  • GII (Gender Inequality Index)
    A composite measurement of gender inequality based on:
    - reproductive health (infant mortality)
    - empowerment
    - the labour market (% working)
    A low GII = a high human wellbeing
  • Sub Saharan Africa
    Any country south or partially south of the Saharan Desert
  • Stages of the poverty cycle
    1. Low income families
    2. Poorer educational outcomes for children
    3. Difficulty getting a job
    4. Poorer overall life outcomes
  • Primary Industry
    agriculture, mining forestry
    industries concerned with obtaining natural raw materials for conversion into products
  • Secondary Industry
    factories, manufacturing
    industries that convert raw materials into commodities and products for the consumers
  • Tertiary Industry
    businesses, schools, hospitals, restaurants, shops
    industries concerned with the provision of services to its consumers
  • Subsistence farming
    agriculture in which farmers focus on growing food to feed themselves and their families
    local requirement and little-to-no trade surplus
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

    value of the total output of all goods and services produced by the residents of a country
  • Other reasons for variations in wellbeing
    war, corruption, lack of resources, government, inequality
  • Gender Inequality Stats
    women work 2/3 of the worlds working hours, and produce 1/2 of the worlds food
    women earn 10% of worlds incomes and own less than 1% of property
    more than 2/3 of worlds illiterate adults are women
  • Reasons for low education of women
    Early marriage, security issues. limited access to schools, war, poverty
  • Malaria - defintion

    a life-threatening disease caused by the spread of mosquitos in tropical countries
  • Malaria - symptoms, origin, treatments

    fever, chills, fatigue, seizures, difficulty breathing
    began in Africa
    medicine, repellents, nets, protective clothing
  • Malaria - stats
    59.4% of global population at risk
    357 people per 100,000
    2022 - 249 million global cases, 608,000 deaths
    Africa 2022 - 235 million cases, 580,000 deaths (94% of global)
    - 76% deaths = child under age of 5
  • Malaria - countries impacted

    Sub-saharan africa and oceania
    humid areas = higher chance of malaria
  • Malaria & Human Wellbeing
    - kills, devastates economies, long-term health problems
    - reduce school and work attendance, impair brain development
    - pressure on fragile healthcare system, 40% hospital admissions in some African countries
    - annual expenses = 8 billion euros in Africa
  • Malaria - Strategy
    Global Malaria Program by WHO to Africa
    Deployment of insecticide-treated nets and repellents
    Research and data collection
    Funding = better sanitation, waste disposal programs, way to stop pooling water = stop mosquito breeding