The recognition that everyone around the world, regardless of geography, age, culture, religion or political environment, aspires to live well.
Happy Planet Index
Ranks each country based on wellbeing
HPI = wellbeing x life expectancy x inequality of outcome ÷ ecological footprint
Human Development Index
Measures Education (Literacy rate), Health (life expectancy), and Wealth (GNI/capita) of a country
Changes in the economic and social conditions in a country which improves the standards of living of its people
MEDC (more economically developed country)
Countries that have a high level of development in terms of economic and social indicators. E.g. Australia, USA, Germany
LEDC (less economically developed country)
Countries that have a low standard of living. E.g. Ethiopia, Haiti, Bangladesh
GDP per capita
Sum of all the gross value (goods and services) divided by the population of the country
Spatial Distribution
How resources, activities and human demographic features of landscapes are arranged across the earth.
Spatial Association
The strength of the pattern between the locations/distributions of 2 different geographical features
"strong" "weak" "no" - spatial association
Spatial Variation
When a quantity that is measured at different spatial locations exhibits values that differ across the locations
Poverty Cycle
Means that you live on less than $1 a day, remaining in poverty for 3 or more generations. Mainly occurs in developing countries where there is intense, extreme and widespread poverty.
Gender Inequality
The unequal treatment of someone based on gender
GII (Gender Inequality Index)
A composite measurement of gender inequality based on:
- reproductive health (infant mortality)
- empowerment
- the labour market (% working)
A low GII = a high human wellbeing
Sub Saharan Africa
Any country south or partially south of the Saharan Desert
Stages of the poverty cycle
1. Low income families
2. Poorer educational outcomes for children
3. Difficulty getting a job
4. Poorer overall life outcomes
Primary Industry
agriculture, mining forestry
industries concerned with obtaining natural raw materials for conversion into products
Secondary Industry
factories, manufacturing
industries that convert raw materials into commodities and products for the consumers