exam 2

Cards (123)

  • label the skeletal muscle anatomy
    A) muscle fiber
    B) endomysium
    C) sarcoplasmic reticulum
    D) Transverse (T) tubule
    E) terminal cisternae
    F) sacrolemma
    G) myofilaments
    H) myofibrils
    I) cytosol
    J) mitochondrion
    K) nucleus
    L) openings of T-tubules
    M) terminal cisternae
    N) opening of T-tubule
    O) sarcolemma
  • how many bones does the human adult skeleton have?
  • two types of osseous tissue:
    1. compact bone: deep to the periosteum and composed of osteons
    2. spongy bone: deep to the compact bone and composed of trabeculae; houses red bone marrow
  • what is the function of bone tissue?

    provide shape and support
    protect organs
    storage site for minerals
    produce new blood cells
    allow movement
    provide framework of body
  • what are bone cells called and what are they found within?
    osteocytes; lanucae
  • what are the five major shapes of bones?
    1. long
    2. e.g. humerus
    3. short
    4. e.g. tarsals
    5. flat
    6. e.g. scapula
    7. irregular
    8. e.g. vertebrae
    9. sesamoid
    10. e.g. patella
  • what are the functional subunits of bone tissue?
  • what is the difference between the central canals vs the perforating canals?
    central canals: in compact bone; runs does the center of each osteon; provides a canal for vessels/nerves
    perforating canals: in compact bone; perpendicular canals
  • the periosteum is located on the outside of compact bone anchored by Sharpey's fibers (collagen)
  • label compact bone
    A) concentric lamallae
    B) interstitial lamallae
    C) lacunae with osteocyte
    D) osteon
    E) central canal
  • what does spongy bone contain that compact bone does not?
  • what are the connections between lacunae called?
  • axial skeleton is skull, vertebrae, sternum, ribs, sacrum, and hyoid
  • 3 accessory structures in axial skeleton:
    1. skeletal cartilages
    2. hyaline cartilage
    3. fibrocartilage
    4. elastic cartilage
    5. tendons: muscle to bone
    6. ligaments: bone to bone
  • label the facial bones and their accessory structures
    A) frontal bone
    B) frontal squama
    C) parietal bone
    D) sphenoid bone
    E) ethmoid bone
    F) palatine bone
    G) inferior orbital fissure
    H) zygomatic bone
    I) lacrimal bone
    J) perpendicular plate of ethmoid
    K) inferior nasal concha
    L) mental foramen
    M) glabella
    N) supraorbital foreman
    O) coronal suture
    P) supraorbital margin
    Q) superior orbital fissure
    R) temporal bone
    S) optic foreman
    T) nasal bone
    U) vomer bone
    V) maxilla
    W) mandible
    X) alveolar process of mandible
    Y) alveola process of maxilla
  • label the skull bones and sutures
    A) frontal bone
    B) coronal suture
    C) parietal bones
    D) sagittal suture
    E) lamboid suture
    F) occitpital bone
  • label these bones and what view of the skull is this?
    A) vomer
    B) sphenoid bone
    C) temporal bone
    D) parietal bone
    E) maxilla
    F) palatine bone
    G) zygomatic bone
    H) inferior nasal concha
    I) occipital bone
  • label accessories
    A) zygomatic arch
    B) forament ovale
    C) foreman spinosum
    D) foreman lacerum
    E) jugular foreman
    F) mastoid process
    G) occipital condyle
    H) inferior nuchal line
    I) superior nuchal line
    J) palatine process
    K) intermaxillary suture
    L) pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
    M) greater wing of sphenoid bone
    N) mandibular condyle
    O) styloid process
    P) carotid process
    Q) foramen magnum
    R) lambdoid suture
    S) external occipital protuberance
  • label the bones and from superior view of the skull
    A) frontal bone
    B) sphenoid bone
    C) sphenoid bone
    D) ethmoid bone
    E) temporal bone
    F) occipital bone
    G) parietal bone
  • label the accessories of the superior view of the skull
    A) cribriform plate
    B) crista galli
    C) lesser wing
    D) greater wing
    E) sella turcica
    F) middle cranial fossa
    G) jugular foreman
    H) anterior cranial fossa
    I) optic canal
    J) foramen rotundum
    K) forament ovale
    L) foramen spinosum
    M) foramen lacerum
    N) foramen magnum
    O) posterior cranial fossa
  • what bone is this and what bone does it articulate with?
    hyoid bone and none
    what is a novel function of this bone?
    movement of tongue, swallowing
    A) greater horn
    B) lesser horn
    C) body
  • how many cervical vertebrae do humans have?
  • how many thoracic vertebrae do humans have?
  • how many fused bones make up the sacrum?
  • how many lumbar vertebrae do we have?
  • how many fused bones make up the coccyx?
  • how would you tell the difference between thoracic, lumbar, and vertical vertebrae?
    cervical = smiley
    thoracic = giraffe
    lumbar = moose
  • what is the name of cervical 1 vertebrae?
  • what is the name of cervical 2 vertebrae?
  • dens is the accessory on C2 that is responsible for the ability for us to shake our heads "no"; axis of rotation
  • what bone superiorly articulates with the atlas bone? what accessories are responsible for this articulation?
    occipital bone; superior articular facet and lateral mass
  • how many true ribs do we have on one side?
  • how many false ribs do we have on one side?
  • how many floating ribs do we have?
  • what is a floating rib?
    a rib that does not attach to the sternum
  • define the difference between the appendicular skeleton and the axial skeleton.
    axial: main portion of your body plus skull
    appendicular: limbs
  • label
    A) osteons
    B) circumferential lamellae
    C) interstitial lamallae
    D) periosteum
    E) compact bone
    F) spongy bone
    G) perforating canals
    H) central canals
    I) canaliculi
    J) central canal
    K) lamallae
    L) lacunae with osteocyte
    M) central canal
    N) nerve
    O) vein
    P) artery
    Q) lamallae
    R) lacunae with osteocyte
    S) canaliculi
    T) osteon
  • appendicular skeleton includes: pectoral girdle, upper extremity, pelvic girdle, lower extremity
  • pectoral girdle attaches the forelimb to the body: clavicle and scapula
  • label which right and left scapulas
    A) left scapula
    B) right scapula