
Cards (4)

    • network is two or more computers (or other electronic devices) that are connected together for the purpose of communication.
    • They are connected by a wired medium such as cables, or by a wireless medium such as Wi-Fi.
    • A computer or device that is not connected to a network is called a stand-alone.
  • label
    A) file sharing
    B) hardware sharing
    C) printer
    D) communication
    E) email
    F) chat
    G) video
    H) roaming access
    I) sign in
    J) access
    K) files
    L) businesses
    M) schools
    N) centralised maintenance
    O) updates
    P) network managers
    Q) software
    R) updates
    S) user
    T) centralised security
    U) antivirus
    V) firewalls
    W) files
    X) user monitoring
    Y) network managers
    Z) levels of access
    [) rights
    \) restrict
    ]) files
    ^) permission
  • label
    A) security risk
    B) malicious
    C) infiltrate
    D) unusable
    E) servers
    F) switches
    G) central point
    H) failure
    I) complete tasks
    J) number of users
    K) data
  • label
    A) cost
    B) equipment
    C) communicate
    D) management
    E) technical
    F) network manager
    G) spread of malware
    H) viruses
    I) improperly
    J) hacking
    K) accessed
    L) permission