Cards (3)

  • Facebook
    report average hours a day spent on Facebook, rate using a five-point scale (1=never, 5=very) how often they write a status, post photos, comment on a friends post, read the newsfeed, read a friends status update, view photos, browse a friends timeline (the last 4 were known as Facebook Surveillance – users were looking at their friends status’ but not commenting).
  • Envy
    asked to rate the following 8 different items on a 5 point Likert scale – (1) I generally feel inferior to others, (2) it is so frustrating to see people always having a good time, (3) it somehow doesn’t seem fair that some people seem to have all the fun, (4) I wish I could travel as much as some of my friends do, (5) many of my friends have better life then me, (6) many of my friends are happier than me, (7) my life is more fun than those of my friends, (8) life is fair.
  • Depression
    completed the Centre for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) which consists of twenty items asking participants to respond to symptoms associated with depressing (e.g. appetite, quality of sleep)