Expressed genes- free to produce the proteins needed to build a particular type of cell
We have the same DNA in all of our cells, except red blood cells, sperm & egg
cell specialisation occurs because the different expressions of genes, make a different type of cell- how all cells have the same DNA yet are different
Each cell may contain the instructions for an entire human
Only 10 to 20% of genes in a human cell are active
The rate of gene expression in the brain is one of the factors that distinguishes humans from other creatures- many more genes expressed than a chimp for example
Genes turn off and on at precise points in time during development
Interactions with the environment affect gene expression
Each cell of the body contains 2 complete copies of the human genome
Genotype- genetic composition of an individual
Phenotype- observable characteristics
Genotype expression affects phenotype
DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid
We have 23 matched pairs of chromosomes- one chromosome of each pair was donated to us by our mother, and the other our father
Smaller segments of chromosomal DNA are genes- constructed from the different nucleotide bases
Each gene contains instructions for making a particular type of protein
Gene expressions- what genes are actually used- translation of genotype to phenotype
DNA to proteins- DNA copies itself via RNA- Codon is read & an amino acid is made- ribosome continues reading the DNA and attaching a new amino acid for each codon- creates a chain- polypeptide is formed & released where it folds into a specific shape- protein!
DNA copies itself on RNA
RNA is ribonucleic acid
Codons- triplet of nucleic acid- provides instructions for one of the 20 amino acids
Chromosomes are made of DNA
Different phenotype traits results from interactions between alleles
Alleles- variants of a specific gene
With 2 sets of chromosomes, we can have 2 version of a gene
Transcription -> Translation -> completed protein
Transcription- DNA partially unwinds- a strand of complementary RNA is made
Translation- RNA instructs ribosomes to create a certain sequence of amino acids
2 Identical alleles at a given site- Homozygous gene
Heterozygous- 2 different alleles at a site
Recessive alleles will only be expressed when it occurs in a homozygous pair with itself
No freckles are recessive
Dominant allele- expressed in phenotype regardless if its pair is homozygous or heterozygous
Some genes show partial dominance- phenotype is intermediate between the alleles given
Complete dominance- phenotype of a heterozygous & Homozygous pairing for the dominant gene will be identical
Some genes have a large amount of alleles- BRCA1 gene- only a small number of these alleles is associated with breast cancer
Codominance- phenotype represents both of its alleles
3 different alleles for blood type- A, B & O- A and B code for proteins on the surface on red blood cells- O does not code for such protein