When we think of the pastit's the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believeit was all like that.
As well as the football games.They still have those.
'Memento moria' - Latin, Remember you[have to]die
We are supposed to look: this is what they are there for
'It's the bags over the headsthat are the worst, worst than faces themselves would be'
No woman in her right mind, these days,would seek to prevent a birth, should she be so lucky to conceive
These men, we've been told, are like war criminals.It's no excuse thatwhat they did was legal at the time
What I feel towards them is blankness.What I feel is thatI must not feel.
Luke wasn't a doctor.Isn't
The red of the smile is the sameas the red of the tulips in Serena Joy's garden [...] the tulips are not the tulips of blood, the red smiles are not flowers, neither thing makes a comment on the other
Ordinary, said Aunt Lydia, is what you are used to.This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary