Maternal Deprivation is the long-term separation or loss of emotional care from the mother/mother substitute
Maternal Deprivation can lead to low IQ and affectionless psychopathy
The critical period for attachment is approximately 2.5 years
Separation is when the child is not in the presence of the PAF - brief separations do not have a significant impact on development
Deprivation is where the child loses an element of the PAF's emotional care/love - this becomes an issue for development
Privation is failure to form an attachment in the first place
Bowlby's 44 thieves experiment used 44 criminal teenagers from London accused of stealing
Bowlby interviewed the 'thieves' for signs of affectionless psychopathy and interviewed their families to establish whether they had prolonged separation from their mothers
Affectionless Pychopathy is the inability to experience guilt or strong emotions for others, preventing the person from developing normal relationships
Bowlby used a control group of non-criminal but emotionally disturbed youths
Bowlby found that 86% of affectionless thieves experienced frequent separations before age 2, compared to 17% normal thieves and 4% controls
Bowlby concluded that maternal deprivation is linked to criminality, and perhaps emotionless psychopathy
Bowlby's 44 thieves has low ecological validity as London has very high crime rates
Bowlby's 44 thieves is gender biased as it was all boys and may be researcher bias as Bowlby chose the participants
Bowlby's 44 thieves had real-world application as it led to major social change in childrens' hospital care e.g parental visits