Derived from the Latin prefix "con" meaning "together" or "with", plus "tempus" meaning "time"
Chronological view of contemporary art
Related to this current period in art history
Pertains to the present moment
Historical usage of contemporary art
A specific stage in the story of the evolution of art
Referring to a specific location in space and time
Contemporary art in the Philippines
Emerged in reaction to social and cultural realities during the 1970's, an era of repression and censorship of artistic expressions
Became a means to oppose the regime
The political art of social realism flourished at this time
Sociorealism sought to expose the real condition of Philippine society and used art to transform it
Progressiveart developed a culture that would convey the authentic aspirations of the Filipino people
The end of MartialLaw in the wake of EDSAPeoplePowerRevolution, bringing the Philippines into the contemporaryperiod
Contemporary art
A transgression of establishednorms and rules
Established art forms are scrutinized and reworked to see them with fresh eyes
Ruled by the cult of the new, endeavoring to create works of art that are "radical" and "interdisciplinary"
The practice of creating a new work by taking a pre-existing image or from another context and combining the borrowed image with new ones
Contemporary art and Local Heritage
Professes an awareness of local heritage which can be passed from one generation to the next, can be conserved or inherited, and has historic or cultural value
These are physical objects, places of heritage and the various practices of heritage unique to the region or locality that are conserved or handed down from one generation to the next
A special form of contemporary literature which involves drawing frames showing a set of characters with their actions and usually contains balloons enclosed with words or dialogue
An arrangement of sounds to create a continuous and unified composition
Elements of Music
A succession of consecutive notes or tones changing in pitch and duration
Has three qualities: tempo which describes how fast or slow the music is; meter which refers to the unit of time that is made up of beats or pulses; and rhythmic pattern
A combination of different tones or pitches played or sung together at the same time
The relationship of melodic and harmonic lines in music
The degree of softness and loudness of music
Also known as tone color, the quality of sound generated by the instrument or voice