FICTIONWRITERS- construct imaginary worlds, typically with symbolism, thematic elements and aesthetic value.
FICTIO - fashioning or forming , describes the Creative WORLD-BUILDING CENTRAL
NONFICTION- a literary genre consisting of historically accurate narratives about real people or events
*Subgenre of fiction*
FANTASY - concentrates on imaginary elements (the fantastic)
*Subgenre of fiction* FOLKLORE- encompasses traditional beliefs, stories, customs, and legends, transmitted orally, from generation to generation.
most common folklore
fairy tales, legends, myth, tall tales and fables
*Subgenre of fiction* MYSTERY stories focus on a puzzling crime or circumstances that needs to be solved.
*Subgenre of fiction* Mystery
Latin,Mysterium (asecretthing)
*Subgenre of fiction* HISTORICALFICTION - set it a real place, during a culturally recognizable time.
*Subgenre of fiction* REALISTICFICTION- stories that could have actually occured to people or animals in a believable setting.
*Subgenre of fiction* ROMANCE - primary focus on the relationship and romantic love between two people, and usually has an emotionally satisfying and realistic ending
*Subgenre of fiction* SCIENCEFICTION - abbreviations SF or sci-fi , deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals
*Subgenre of fiction* THRILLER - genre of fiction with numerous , often overlapping subgenres, including horror.
*elements of fiction*
CHARACTER - refers to person, animals or inanimate objects, or any that posseses life and give life to the story
POINT OF VIEW - refers to the angle of narration, it indicates who is the narrator
Four types of POV
First-person POV, Omniscient Third, LimitedOmniscientThird, Objective Third
The narrator presents the POV of only one character consciousness
First person Point of View
OMNISCIENT THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW - The narrator is all knowing and takes the reader inside the character's thought.
LIMITED OMNISCIENT THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW - The narrator takes the reader inside one (or at most very few characters) but neither the characterr or reader has access to the inner lives pf any other characters in the story.
OBJECTIVE THIRD PERSON POINT OF BIEW - does not see into the mind of any character , rather ir reports to the reader what's happening without their thoughts.