culture and media influence

Cards (19)

  • some gender-role behaviours are culturally specific,
    therefore we can assume that the influence of shared norms and socialisation is decisive ( as suggested by SLT)
  • Cultural differences - Gender
    the earliest cross-cultural studies of gender roles was carried out by Margret Mead of tribal groups on the island of New Guinea
  • How were the Arapesh in Marget Meads Cross-culture studies?
    gentle and responsive (similar to the common UK stereotype of feminitiy)
  • How were the Mundugmor in Margret Meads cross-culture studies on gender?
    aggressive and hostile ( similar to the common UK stereotype of masculinity)
  • How were the Tchambuli in Margret Meads's cross-culture studies on gender
    the women were dominant and they organised village like; the men were passive and considered to be 'decorative' ( the reverse of UK stereotype )
  • What did Margret Mead's cross-cultural studies on gender suggest?
    there may not be a direct biological relationship between sex and gender, gender roles may be culturally determined.
    • the extent to which innate behaviours are expressed is largely through gender norms
  • Cultural similarities
    David Buss's cross-cultural similarities in gender roles
    • found consistent patterns in mate preferences in 37 countries
    • in all cultures women sought men who would offer wealth and resources
    • men looked for youth and attractiveness
  • the media provide role models with whom children may identify and want to imitate.
  • Rigid stereotypes
    evidence that the media do provide very clear gender stereotypes that are quite rigid:
    • men are independent, ambitious 'advice-givers'
    • women are dependant, unambitious 'advice-seekers'
  • rigid sterotypes (TV advert study)
    • found that men are morelikely to be shown in autonomous familial roles withing domestic settings.
    • suggesting that media may playa roles in reinforcing widespread social stereotypes
  • self-efficacy
    seeing other people perform gener-approraite behaviours increase the child belief that they are capable in carrying out such behaviours in the future.
  • What were the 3 tribes Mead looked at?
    • Arapesh
    • Mundugmor
    • Tchambuli
  • Criticism of meads research into culture and gender roles:
    Observer bias
    • not separating her own opinions from her description and generalising based on a relatively short period of study.
    • follow-studies argued that Mead's findings were flawed as she had been misled by some of her participants, and her preconceived notions influenced her observations.
  • research into culture and gender having imposed etic
    research is undertaken by 'Western' researchers who take indigenous populations to be their main object of study.
    • theories and methods have been developed in the West, imposing their interests and understandings
    • IMPOSED ETIC - western ways of doing research that is assumed to be universal, may be meaningless when transferred.
    • therefor research must include one member of the local population.
  • The Nature or Nurture debate in gender in culture research
    does not solve the nature/nurture debate but provides insight
    • cannot ignore environmental factors as soon as you are born you are influenced by these gender-role expectation
    • making it difficult to determine where nature stops and nurture begins
    • likely it a constant interaction between both influences
  • there is a correlation not a causation between media and gender:
    it's difficult to establish cause and effect
    • maybe that media output reflects the established social norms around males and females.
    • Control groups of children who haven't been exposed to media are not available for comparison
  • The Notel study (Supporting medial influence)
    1960's Canada
    • extensive surveys around the town to assess the behaviour and attitudes of the population before the introduction of television
    • also collected data from the neighbouring towns that had access to TV - Unitel ( one channel )/ Multitel ( several channels)
    • after 2 years all three towns were surveyed again
  • The Notel Study Findings ( Media and Gender)
    gender-stereotypical attitudes among children of the three towns changed over two years
    • In the beginning, the children in Notel and Unitel displayed fewer sex-type views and stereotypical behaviour compared to Multitel.
    • In the end, evidence of stereotypes of behaviours increases for the children of Notel.
  • Counter stereotypes in the media
    In recent years there have been many examples of counter-stereotypes in the media which challenge traditional notions
    • female gender stereotype was reduced when seeing women in non-stereotypical roles but pre-adolescent boys' stereotypes became stronger