BusinessPrinciples - include vision, structure of the business, chain of command, roles of employees, and accountability
Mission Statement - a sentence describing the purpose of the company and why it exists
Goal - something to be achieved in a specific period of time
short-term goal - one that is accomplished in a short period of time, generally less than a year
Long-term Goal - one that takes more than a year to reach
policy - outlines how company decisions are made
procedure - describes how tasks should be completed
bribe - an exchange of something of value for special consideration when doing business
organizationalstructure - identifies the hierarchy of the employees within the business
Two common organizational structures are functional and matrix
Functional Organizational Structure - workers that share the same skill set and expertise are brought together for a specific function
MatrixOrganizational Structure - Workers with various skills and experience are brought together to solve a specific problem or task
taskforce or cross-functional team - type of group including many different perspectives
chain of command (LineofAuthority) - the authority structure in a company from highest to the lowest levels
organization chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization
organizational chart is a diagram showing how each employee position within the company interacts with others in the chain of command.
Centralized organization. All of the authority within a business rests with top management.
Decentralized organization. Authority within a business is given to various managers that run their own departments.
Departmentalization. Responsibilities and authority are divided among certain areas or departments within the business
Management is the process of controlling and making decisions about a business
Top management consists of a company’s board of directors, president, and other high-ranking managers.
Middle management consists of a company’s division managers and department heads
First-line management coordinates and supervises the activities and duties of employees
Business management includes all the activities necessary to operate a business
five functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.
Planning is the process of setting goals and deciding how to accomplish them.
The steps involved in reaching goals are then developed into a plan
A plan is an outline of the actions needed to accomplish a goal
There are four basic types of management plans: strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency.
Strategic plans are created for the long- term goals of an organization.
Tactical plans are developed for the short- term goals of a company.
Operational plans are designed to reach the day-to-day goals of a business
Contingency plans are backup plans.
Organizing is the coordination of activities and resources needed to reach its goals
Staffing is the process of recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, and compensating employees
Human resources are the employees who work for a company.
The humanresource (HR) department helps an organization hire employees and handles other employee-related functions, including compensation, benefit programs, code of conduct, and following employment regulations.
Leading is the process of influencing others to work toward common goals.
Controlling is a continuous process of evaluating the progress in reaching goals and making corrections to plans, when necessary
The chain of command is the authority structure in a company from the highest to the lowest levels. It is also called the line of authority