Cell membrane - regulates entry and exit of materials
Cell wall - rigid membrane made of cellulose in plants
Cytoplasm - liquid portion between nucleus and cell membrane
Nucleus - stores genetic material and controls cell activities
Nucleolus - site of ribosome synthesis
Ribosome - site of protein synthesis
Mitochondria - site of cellular respiration
Smooth ER - lipid and steroid production, calcium ion storage, detoxification
Rough ER - modifies proteins
Golgi body - sorts, tags, packages, and distributes lipids and proteins
Vesicles - transport or store a variety of compounds
Lysosome - contains enzymes that degrade molecules
Peroxisome - contains catalase or peroxidase to neutralize toxicity
Chloroplast - site of photosynthesis
Vacuole - maintains water balance, stores nutrients and waste
Cytoskeleton - provides shape and structure
Centrosome - microtubule organizing center essential for cell division
Cilia and Flagella - locomotory projections