Primary socialization occurs during childhood and involves learning basic skills such as language, manners, and hygiene from parents or caregivers.
Socialization refers to the process by which individuals acquire knowledge, values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that enable them to function as members of society.
Secondary socialization is the process through which people learn new roles and norms later in life, often influenced by peers and other groups outside their family.
Norms are the unwritten rules of society and expected behaviors. Example eating with a knife and fork in britain and chopsticks in Japan
Values are important ideas and beliefs about how we should live our lives. Example , respect freedom, equality, some people having religious values or traditional family values
culture is shared way of life of society. It includes norms, values and other customs or traditions. example, footballers on Saturday and roast on Sunday in britain
identity is the idea you have about yourself, who you are and your sense of self. example how you see yourself and how others see you.
role is the part of job we play in society. Different roles have different norms associated with them. We have multiple roles and sometimes there's role conflict. example, teacher, brother, tutor
status is the level of importance a person or occupation is see to have in society. can be ascribed or achieved. ascribed- king , achieved- David beckham
agents of socialization is media , education and peer group
media- the influence of role models- imitation of role models- representation of groups
education- formal curriculum, lessons taught hidden curriculum- anything you learn in school that isn't part of the lesson. for example obedience, use of sanctions
peer group- influence of role models, peer pressure, use of sanctions in peer group is informal.
gender roles- characteristics and behaviors that are associated with males and females in society. example boys - tough and girls- caring
gender role socialization in the family through canalization. The giving of toys and clothes boys - blue , girls-pink and manipulation differential treatment of the genders.
In school gendered subjects , hidden curriculum and expectations from teachers. In media through the representation of gender in films.
social control and sanctions- making sure you do what your supposed to do if you don't stick to the norms and values.
formal social control- agents whose main job is to control behavior. Example the police, courts and army
Informal social control- every other agent. example family, education and peers
sanctions- agents of social control- encourage conformity through sanctions.
negative sanctions-punishments
positive sanctions-rewards
formal sanctions- given by formal agents of social control example arrest, prison sentence
informal sanctions- given by informal agents of social control example grounded by parents, detention at school
family is a group of people related by ties of blood or marriage.
family diversity is having a variety of family types in a society beyond just nuclear families. Britain is an example of a society that has this
monogamy- being married to one person at one time
marriage- legal recognition of two partners in a relationship
nuclear family- traditional, conventional family, where the parents are married and have children together.
lone parent family-one parent, result of divorce . Matriarchal majority in the UK. Headed by women
bean pole family- 2 parents and one child- long thin family structure
reconstituted family-2 adults have children, come together after a marriage has ended having a divorce and then come together to join into a new family
extended family- any type of family that includes other relatives, next generation, vertically-next generation, horizontally-parents, brothers, sisters
same sex family- adult partners of the same sex, 2 men or 2 women
marriage rates have declined, remarriage and serial monogamy become more normalized, same sex marriage legalized from 2013
divorce rates have increased- greatly because of the divorce reform act of 1969- divorce far more easily, divorce rates at their lowest in 2018 since 1971
Asian households have a high rate of extended families and a low rate of lone parent families, they are more likely to get married
black households have a low rate of extended families and a high rate of lone parent families, they are less likely to be married
polygamy- being married to more than one person at one time
arranged marriage- when a couple are chosen to be together by their parents