science(specialized cells)

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  • The red blood cells help to deliver oxygen to all cells in the body
  • red blood cells are biconcave disks which allow flexibility and fit in small blood vessels(capillaries)
  • Red blood cells don't have a nucleus. They had one but lost it as the cell differentiated to mature into a functioning red blood cell. This allows for more space for hemoglobin(a molecule that attaches to O2-high in iron)
  • A specialized cell has a structure that is suited to perform its (specific) function in the organism
  • Cells become specialized/differentiated during embryonic development
  • Differentiation occurs when a stem cell becomes a specific type of cell with a unique set of functions.
  • Stem cells can divide many times without losing their ability to produce new cells, they also have the potential to develop into any other type of cell in the body
  • Stem cells can divide and produce new cells, they also have the ability to develop into many types of specialised cells
  • The process by which an unspecialised cell divides to form two or more specialised daughter cells is called differentiation
  • all cells in your body have the same DNA/genetic info
  • What makes one cell type different from another is your body is which genes in the DNA are turned on and off in the cell which happens during cellular differentiation
  • Neuron sends signals throughout the body by sending electrical impulses.
  • The neuron has 2 distinct ends with a long and narrow shape. One end receives signal and one end sends signal
  • The Neuron is insulated with myelin(fat) which provides insulation so the signal isnt lost.
  • Goblet cells help make and produce mucus.
  • Goblet cells are found in digestive and respiratory systems
  • Goblet cells are lined with cilia(fine hairs) in respiratory system only. The cilia helps trap viruses/bacteria/dirt and sweeps them out of the body.
  • Mucus secretion is important in the digestive system because it protects stomach from acid and moves particles easily through out the system
  • The oocyte is to be fertilized by sperm cell.
  • Oocyte is a large cell with alot of cytoplasm which helps make it a larger target for sperm cells and the large cytoplasm is needed to support growth of division of cells for embryo.
  • oocyte has half the number of chromosomes in nucleus because it needs the other 23 from the sperm to ensure the next generation has total of 46 chromosomes.
  • Sperm's job is to fertilize the egg and carry the genetic information from the father to the mother.
  • The sperm is a streamlined shape/loss of cytoplasm which allows it to move faster.
  • Sperm has many mitochondria because it needs a lot of energy for movement to travel far distances
  • The sperm has a flagellum(tail) that acts as a propeller to move cell forward.
  • The sperm has half number of chromosomes in nucleus which ensures next generation has total of 46 chromosomes.