HomoErectus have been using fire to cook, through chipping one flint over the other to produce a spark , all the while without realizing the lawoffriction and heat
our early ancestor's primal need to survive paved way for the invention of several developments
Tools from stone and flints marked the era of stoneage
during the advent of our very own Homo Sapiens and humans began to sharpen stone as would a knife ; an examples of this is the simple machine called wedge
this particular period proved to be difficult for our ancestors, but in a remarkabledistinct way
there is a little to no written accounts except for several cave drawings and unearthed artifacts from various part of the world that narrate how their culture came to be
There are several excavations in different parts of Europe of miniaturestatues prevalent during the Paleolithic period, the so called "Venus" figure
Venus depicts the rudimentary carving of a voluptuouswomen out of ivory or stone . The reason behind this is still unknown to archaeologist and anthropologist alike; they can only infer that the humans of yesterday have a certain fixation on the female anatomy
Soon enough people discovered minerals and began forging metalwork. They realized that these materials are more durable , malleable, and have more luster than the previous materials
there are some indicators that humans in the past share the same concern and interest , suggesting that these inclinations persist through multitudes of generations over several millennia
Furclothing and animal skin are primarily used for comforts against harsh winds- our ancestors are able to draw the connection between their naked and vulnerable due to lack of fur or protective covering which would otherwise allow them to withstand extremeweather conditions
They begin to cover themselves out of necessity, and gradually, added several more to their garments. Some of those found at excavationsites are reminiscent of early accessories , suggesting that our ancestors have engaged in the concept of beauty
They had taken a liking to a certain shinny stones or a perfectly shaped bone, and wanted to wear it as a trophy
Nevertheless, it can be positively inferred that like the people of today, our ancestors also found the need to explain things in a way that makes sense to them. They quickly realized that there are eventsoutside of their control and attempted to justify things as being a work of supernaturalbeing
Admittedly, once people stop connecting the dots between cause and effect, they to something could possibly explain their inadequacies in making sense of the world. The people of yesterday appeared to have acknowledgeearly on that they could only do and understand as much, that perhaps other powers at play also existed alongside them.
The notioneffectivelyhumbled and perhaps grounded them, with their constant befuddlement serving as an earlyreminder that they were way behind several larger more powerful forces in nature in terms of order of things.
Throughout the course of history, religion remains to be the strongest contender to science arguably due to its being the most easily grasped. This statement is?
it then proves that there is a large capacity for our ancestors to contemplate and perceive things outside themselves in a more reflective manner. This statement is?
For a short time, humans were content with their relationship with nature. this statement is?
Earliest case of man-made extinction occurred over 12,000 years ago, possibly brought upon by hunting and territorial disputes.
The Holocene extinction, also called the sixth extinction or more aptly Anthropocene extinction, occurred from as early as between 100, 000 to 200, 000 years up to the present.
Anthropocene extinction pertains to the ongoingextinction of the several species both flora and fauna-due to human activity
Anthropocene extinction pertains to the ongoing extinction of the several species both floro and fauna-due to animal activity. this statement is?
driven by their primal need to survive and gaining the upper hand in terms of development and adaptability, humans were quick to find ways to drive off other megafaunas threatening a prospective hunting spot and eventually, settling grounds
growing population also necessitated finding additional resources leading to underhunting and overfishing different prey, some of which were endemic to the area. This statement is?
Hunting coupled with a changing terrain that the humans began cultivating when agriculture emerged some 9000 years ago, caused several species to lose competition in territory and food resources
Formation of communities caused humans to expand more in territory and less people to feed; large, separate communities hailing from the same ancestors and residing in the same small community paved way for civilizations. This statement is?
Even as a community, the people realized that though that they were at the most self-sufficient, they were in constant need of resources. This statement is?
They realized that they could get hold of things not present in their towns by offering something of same value present in theirs. It is in the process that trade emerged, leading to cross-town and eventually cross-cultural interaction as more products were exchanged and the initial needs extended to wants.
People then had a new objective-gather as much products as possible. This statement is?
They have turned to wealth as one of their goals as humans and ultimately as civilizations, for they perceived that those who have many, live comfortably and thus are generally happier than those who do not have sufficient wealth
Thus, they began to hunt, farm, and produce things with prospect of loss. This statement is?
A nuclear community which is initially self-sufficient has to accommodate their growing population with depleting resources, leading them to be reliant to other communities’ produce which keeps them surviving. In return, these communities have to make use of their current resources twice as much to provide for other communities’ needs.
products of every kind were exchanged raging from necessary ones such as crops, cattle, poultry, others of kind and clothing materials up to metals, accessories, weapons, spices, literature, and entertainment.
They were able to find and create niches for interest. This statement is?
When they could sell their products they use their skills and got compensated for it-bringing forth a specialized group of artisans. This statement is?
Humanity became more complex. The primary goal was not merely to survive, but to live the good life. This statement is?
Technology has been instrumental in all of these because in searching for the good life, people were able to come up with creations that would make life easier, less comfortable, and more enriching. What makes the statement false?
less comfortable
Although the good life envisioned before might be pale in comparison to the multifariousness of today, it offered as the initial intricacies of how today came to be. Such intricacies are also evident in the machines created and causes endeavored by the people of long ago
They perceive death as, at the very least pleasant and concocted potions toward evil off from their kinsmen, often appealing to their gods for blessing. This statement is?