Cards (9)

  • One cannot pursue fresh ideas without knowledge. It means that one cannot build the world; without ideas, there is no innovation and without innovation, there is no development of the country.
  • Importance of Education in our Society

    In the modern developed world, education is an important factor that plays a huge role. To be able to succeed in this competitive world, people need good education. In modern society, people focus on achieving a high standard of living and awareness to provide better solutions to their problems.
  • Features of Education
    • Removing Poverty
    • Protection and Defense Against Crime
    • Wars and Terrorism Prevention
    • Trade and Commerce
    • Law and Order
    • Women Empowerment
    • Uplifting the poorer economic elements of society
    • Communication
  • Role of Education in Society
    Education is a social institution in which society offers essential information to its citizens, including fundamental truths, job skills, and values of cultural norms. One of the most significant advantages of education is that it enhances personal lives and makes it possible for society to function smoothly. Poverty can be eliminated by providing education, and every individual can contribute to developing the country.
  • Education Helps in the Creation of a Better Society
  • A better society cannot be built without a decent education. Only when people are skilled enough to know how to work with various technologies can innovation and creativity occur. With the help of better methods, educated people often find solutions to their issues.
  • Education act as Back Bone of a Society
  • Social Stratification
    A mechanism under which a society in a hierarchy classifies groups of individuals. It is abundantly clear in the United States that certain groups have greater standing, influence, and resources than other groups.
  • The layers of society are made of individuals, and society's resources are distributed unevenly across the layers. The top layer of the social system of stratification is the individuals that have more wealth. The lower levels of society reflect other classes of people, with increasingly less and less resources.