
Subdecks (2)

Cards (122)

  • Down syndrome
    A genetic disorder that has three chromosome 21 instead of two
  • Islets of Langerhans
    Clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones
    Methionine, Proline, Alanine, Selenocysteine
  • Asexual reproduction
    The mode of reproduction that involves the production of offspring by a single parent
  • Parthenogenesis
    Asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a new organism without being fertilized by a sperm
  • Seminiferous tubules
    The system of tiny tubes in the testicles where sperm develops
  • Consuming a banana split
    Hormones, specifically insulin, are anticipated to experience an increase in production within the body
  • Consuming a double-bacon cheeseburger with a milkshake
    Insulin would NOT be expected to increase
  • Fields like medicine, forensics, agriculture, and bid use biological concepts
  • Down syndrome
    A genetic disorder that has three chromosome 21 instead of two
  • Islets of Langerhans
    Clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones
  • Triplet code
    Methionine, Proline, Alanine, Selenocysteine
  • Asexual reproduction
    The mode of reproduction that involves the production of offspring by a single parent
  • Parthenogenesis
    Asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a new organism without being fertilized by a sperm
  • Seminiferous tubules
    The system of tiny tubes where sperm develops in the testicles
  • Consuming a banana split
    Hormones, specifically insulin, increase in production
  • Down syndrome
    A genetic disorder that has three chromosome 21 instead of two
  • Islets of Langerhans
    Clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones
  • Consuming a double-bacon cheeseburger with a milkshake
    Insulin does not increase
  • Studying all day for a test and skipping breakfast and lunch
    Glucagon increases
  • Natural selection favoring camouflage in specific habitats
  • Somatic cells
    Cells where a genetic mutation can be passed from one generation to the next
  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation poses a risk to human health through enhanced immune response
  • A key gene responsible for regulating cellular metabolism undergoes unintended changes due to a technical error, leading to increased efficiency in DNA repair mechanisms
  • Vestigial
    A structure that serves no purpose in an organism
  • Triplet code
    Methionine, Proline, Alanine, Selenocysteine
  • Asexual reproduction
    The mode of reproduction that involves the production of offspring by a single parent
  • Parthenogenesis
    Asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a new organism without being fertilized by a sperm
  • Lamarck's theory

    Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
  • Seminiferous tubules
    The system of tiny tubes where sperm develops in the testicles
  • Darwin's theory
    Evolution by Natural Selection
  • Characteristics
    Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment
  • Consuming a banana split
    Hormones, specifically insulin, are anticipated to experience an increase in production within the body
  • Fossils provide the strongest evidence for change over a long period
  • Consuming a double-bacon cheeseburger with a milkshake
    Insulin would NOT be expected to increase
  • Carrying capacity
    The largest number of individuals of a population that the environment can support
  • Studying all day for a test and skipping breakfast and lunch
    Hormones, specifically glucagon, would be expected to increase
  • Endemic species
    Species that are very rare and can be found in a particular ecosystem
  • Natural selection favoring camouflage in specific habitats
  • Pupil constriction is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system