
Cards (19)

  • Protostar
    Cloud of dust and gas where stars initially form
  • Star formation
    1. Cloud of dust and gas pulls together to form a protostar
    2. Temperature and density increase as more particles collide
    3. Nuclear fusion begins, heating the core
  • Main sequence star
    • Outward force from nuclear fusion balances gravity, stable period lasting billions of years
  • Life cycle of a small-to-medium star
    1. Hydrogen runs out, star expands into red giant
    2. Outer layers ejected, leaving behind a white dwarf
  • Life cycle of a large star
    1. Undergoes more fusion, expands and contracts several times
    2. Eventually explodes in a supernova, forming elements heavier than iron
  • Neutron star
    Very dense core left behind after a supernova explosion
  • Black hole
    Super dense point in space that even light cannot escape
  • The Solar System has one star - the Sun
  • Objects in the Solar System
    • 8 planets
    • Dwarf planets
    • Moons
    • Asteroids
  • The Solar System is a tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy
  • Gravity
    The force that creates orbits
  • Orbits
    1. Object constantly changes direction, accelerating towards the centre
    2. Velocity changes but speed remains constant
    3. Gravitational force keeps object in a circular orbit
  • Orbital speed
    Faster moving objects have smaller orbits
  • The universe appears to be expanding
  • Red-shift
    Increase in the wavelength of light from distant galaxies, indicating they are moving away
  • More distant galaxies have greater red-shifts, indicating they are moving away faster
  • Big Bang theory
    The universe started from a very small, dense and hot space that then expanded
  • New evidence may change our theories about the universe
  • Dark matter and dark energy are not well understood