Subjectivity, objectivity & value freedom

    Cards (6)

    • Comte/Durkheim
      Sociology’s job is to discover the truth about how society works by uncovering the laws that govern the functioning of society
      Scientific sociology would be able to objectively say what is best for society
    • Marx
      Believed that his method of analysis would reveal the line of human development and show the proletariat how to reach communism
    • Weber
      Values are important in the research process and can’t be avoided
      Choosing a topic is based on what we see as important
      Data collection should be value free
    • Myrdal
      Researchers will always have their own values which are needed to guide research
    • Becker
      Sociologists should be more compassionate and give the ’underdogs‘ a voice to reveal the reality of society
    • Goffman
      Sociologists having empathy with the disadvantaged means that they will favour a research method that allows them to study this group in detail
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