The loss of water (vapour), by evaporation, from the upper parts of the plant, such as the leaves via the stomata, the lenticels from the stem or waxycuticle on the top layer of the leaf
<90% of water enters a plant passes into leaf airspaces and evaporates through stomata; >5% of water escapes through the cuticle (water is moving by passive transport of osmosis down a waterpotential gradient)
Once roots take up water, it crosses the cortex and enters the xylem in the centre of the root; 2 routes to get through:
Apoplast pathway: Through the fullypermeablecellulosecellwall of the parenchyma cells
Symplast pathway: Through the cytoplasm of parenchyma cells, water and dissolved solutes must pass through the selectivelypermeablemembrane
The pathway water takes will depend on the plant species and environmental conditions, movement across the root is driven by active transport which occurs at the endodermis
Endodermis cells move minerals by active transport from the cortex into xylem lowering waterpotential; they have special cotransporter proteins, to pump mineral ions from cytoplasm of cortex cells into the medulla and xylem
Water moves over the Cortex until the Casparian strip; made of suberin (waterproof) which blocks the apoplast pathway between the cortex and medulla so water and dissolved mineral ions are forced across a plasmamembrane through the cytoplasm and into the xylem
Xylem in the roots have more pits in their lignified walls, allowing the flow of water, which makes waterpotential of the medulla and xylem more negative and the hydrostatic pressure in the xylem increase (rootpressure)
Casparian Strip Importance: Prevents harmful substances entering the xylem, and water leakage from xylem vessels also aid the development of rootpressure (force pushing water up the stem)
Water diffuses from roothair cells, across the root to xylem vessels in the centralvascularbundle, down a waterpotential gradient (xylem vessels have the lowestwaterpotential)
CapillaryAction: The narrower the tube the more effect the adhesion properties of water and RootPressure: Higher hydrostatic pressure in roots required for massflow of water up xylem vessels, into stem
The waterpotential is higher in the rootxylem vessels, lower in the leaves and even more negative in the atmosphere around the leaves so water molecules are pulled up in the stem into the leaves; xylem vessels is under tension when transpiration is occurring
Water transport in a vessel against gravity requires a continuouscolumn of water formed by cohesion between polarwater molecules and adhesion of the molecules to the polarlignin molecules in the walls of the xylem vessels
The adhesion of water molecules to lignin in the vessel is responsible for the capillarymovement of water up the thin vessels, against gravity