
Subdecks (2)

Cards (30)

  • hydrocarbons only contain hydrogen and carbon atoms
  • a hydrocarbon is any compound that is formed from carbon and hydrogen only
  • Alkanes all have C-C single bonds
  • alkanes are the simplest type of hydrocarbons you can get
  • the alkanes are a homologues series - a group on organic compounds that react in similar ways
  • alkanes are saturated compounds - each carob atom forms four single covalent bonds
  • the first four alkanes are ; methane , ethane , propane and butane
  • hydrocarbons proprieties change as the chain gets longer
  • as the length of the carbon chain changes so does the properties of the hydrocarbon also change
  • the shorter the carbon chain = less viscous (gloopy) hydrocarbons
  • the shorter the carbon chain = lower boiling point
  • the shorter the carbon chain = more volatile
  • the shorter the carbon chain = more flammable hydrocarbons
  • properties of hydrocarbons are affceted on how they're used for fuels
  • complete combustion us when there is plenty of oxygen
  • complete combustion of any hydrocarbon in oxygen releases a lot of energy - the only waste products are carbon dioxide and water vapour
  • hydrocarbon + oxygen ------> carbon dioxide + water (+ energy)
  • carbon and hydrogen from the hydrocarbon are both oxidised during combustion
  • oxidation is the gain of oxygen
  • incomplete combustion occurs if not enough oxygen
  • hydrocarbons are used as fuels due to the amount of energy released when they combust completely