crude oil can be used to make useful materials such as fuel
fractional distillation is the process that separates crude oil into its different components
crude oil is a fossil fuel , formed from plant and animal remains - mainly plankton that died million of years ago
over millions of years with high temperature and preasure the remains of animals and plants turn to crude oil - which can b e drilled up from rocks where it is found
Fossil fuels like coal , oil and gas are called non renewable energy as they take too long to be used up compared to how quickly they are being produced
coal , oil and gas are fossil fuels
coal , oil and gas are finite reasources - one day they'll run out
fractional distilation can be used to seperate hydrocarbon fractions
crude oil is a mixture of lots of different hydrocarbons , most of which are alkanes - the diffrent compounds in crude oil are seperated by fractaional distilation