Lower-limit dimension: smaller system/thing, less it can be used by large users
Upper-limit dimension: bigger system/object, less it can be used by small users
Human body measurements
Stature (height)
Eye height
Shoulder height
Elbow height
Knuckle height
Height, sitting
Eye height, sitting
Elbow rest height, sitting
Popliteal height, sitting
Chest depth
Elbow-elbow breadth
Hip breadth, sitting
Thigh clearance height
Knee heights, sitting
Buttock-knee distance, sitting
Anthropometric data
Extending, straightening
Movement toward midline
Movement away from midline
Lateral rotation
Rotation outward
Medial rotation
Inward rotation
Downward rotation
Upward rotation
Prone length, height
Squatting height
Overhead reach
Thumb-tip reach
Standing forward reach
Standing lateral reach
Primary area for personnel 1
38cm x 12.8cm (5th percentile), and 44cm x 14.8cm (95th percentile)
People's range of primary objects in front of them is 30o and every 15 degrees, the priority of the object decreases further
For object height, the optimum is 20", shoulder level is 25" and the lowest is 15"
Design for extremes
Use one of the values from the distribution point (5th or 95th percentile)
Design for average
Use the middle value of the population distribution but the largest and smallest percentiles cannot be accommodated
Design for adjustability
Emphasis on the concept that all users are considered equal and objects can be adapted to the user's needs
Anthropometric data is most often used to determine reach and distance dimensions
The most frequently used benchmark values range uses the 5th percentile for women, distance uses the 95th percentile for men
Accommodate as many user populations as possible with certain limits
Variations in the use of percentile values
5-95 – typical
25-75 – less critical function or infrequent use
1-99 – more critical functions (safety or cost considerations)
0.01 – 99.99 – risk of severe outcomes
Define the product/system to be designed, then determine the critical dimensions which influences the design by considering effectiveness, safety and comfort in using the product
1. Determine body dimensions which related
2. Select population the user will using the product or workplace
3. Do benchmark study to obtain secondary data if possible or take measurements
4. Select percentile
Workplace Design
Determination of the height of the work surface from the height of the elbow of the arm
Adapt the work surface to the work being done
Provide a comfortable chair for the seated operator
Provides adjustability in the seat
Postural encouragement flexibility
Workplace Design Guidelines
Provide anti-fatigue mats for a standing operator
Locate all tools and materials within the normal working area
Fix location for all tools and materials to permit the best sequence
Use gravity bins and drop delivery to reduce reach and move times
Arrange tools, controls, and other components optimally, to minimize motions
Machine and Equipment Design
Take multiple cuts by combining or arranging devices
Locate all control devices for best operator accessibility and strength capability
Use a fixture instead of the hand as a holding device
Use indicator lights to get the attention of the worker
Display information appropriately
Use acoustic signals for warnings
Use shape, texture, and size coding for tactual identification
Use proper control of size, displacement and resistance
Ensure proper compatibility between controls and displays
Digital Mock Up: VirtualEnvironment
DMU: digital representation of a product during its entire life cycle
Benefits of DMU
Reduce time to market since we can identify problems in the early design process and we can iterate seamlessly among design phases
Increase product quality by allowing sets of analysis conducted into our design (eg ergonomics analysis, manufacturing process analysis/simulation)
Reduce costs by minimizing the number of prototypes that need to be built
Allowing designers to create numbers of design alternatives before choosing one
Ergonomics Analysis: Virtual Human
Needs to conduct a dynamic human simulation within specified environment (digitally), reducing prototyping & cost analysis
What is the optimal dimension of emergency exit door so it can be accessed safely & timely by all passengers?
Redesigned emergency exit that can fulfill our design objectives (anthropometrically & biomechanically)
Need to address "the 90 second time frame" using 35 virtual humans & simulate an emergency exit process
This study was undertaken with the aim of engineering an ergonomic chair tailored specifically for cobblers in the Malang Regency, taking into account anthropometric measurements, the Nordic body map, and the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method