Cold War

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  • Cold War: state of political hostility between countries characterised by threats, propaganda, short methods of warfare
  • Communism: ideology of common ownership of business, absence of social classes, money & state
  • Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
  • The grand alliance
    • USA
    • Britain
    • USSR
  • Leaders in Grand Alliance (USSR, Britain, USA)
  • Why was there mistrust between USSR & the west?
    WW1: communist revolution, Russia withdraw from war
    Russia civil war: After revolution, civil war west sent troops to fight communist
    Ideological differences: US became suspicious of communist ideals threaten ‘American dream'
    Nazi soviet pact: 1939, hitler& Stalin agree not to attack each other
    German Invasion of ussr:
  • Sphere of influence: idea having countries under your influence
  • West aims of Grand Alliance;
    East & West co-opérations should continue
    Germany should be rebuilt & independent
    Countries in East-Europe have right to self-determination & free from influence (free elections)
  • USSR aims of grand alliance;
    East-West co-operation should continue
    Germany should remain weak
    Sphere of influence should be created to guarantee security
  • Outcomes of Yalta conference;
    • Poland would be in sphere of influence but demographic government & free elections
    • United elections: ensure future international cooperation & USSR would join
    • Reparations: investigated by comission
    • Free elections: held in all liberated countries west & central europe
    • Four zones for Germany (Britain, France, USA, USSR)
  • Changes between Yalta & Potsdam conference:
    • Surrender of Germany WW1: Stalin less willing to compromise no longer need help of west of defeat Germany
    • Leadership changes: Roosevelt died replace Truman, Attlee replaced Churchill
    • Atomic bomb: May 1945, USA test atomic bomb (told UK not USSR), Potsdam Truman told Stalin (but already knew cause of spies)
    • Poland: 1945 Stalin invite non- communist polish leader & arrested him
  • (DREAD)
    Disharmony over:
    • Reparations: argument how much USSR should be allowed (soviet agreed for west to take whatever from soviet zone in return for 10% of west zone)
    • Eastern Europe: no sign of Stalin allow free elections
    • Atomic bomb: Truman told Stalin had ‘new weapon of destructive force' Stalin disinterested
    • Division of Germany: arguments over boundaries should be
  • 6th August 1945 little boy hit Hiroshima
    -> over 2-4 months effects of bombings killed between 90,000 - 146,000 people in Hiroshima
    9th August 1945: Fat man dropped on Nagasaki bombings killed between 39,000 - 80,000 people in Nagasaki
  • How did dropping an atomic bomb affect relations between USA & USSR?
    USA asked permission to drop atomic bomb & didn’t ask Soviet Union despite alliance
    (USSR aware due to spy on Manhattan Project)
  • Iron curtain: phrased by churchill to describe region controlled by Soviet Union in Eastern Europe (metaphorical curtain)
  • Salami tactics: practice of using a series of many small actions to produce larger actions would be difficult/ unlawful to perform at once
  • Buffer zone: area giving someone protection against threat
    -> area of soviet - controlled states that act as protection for USSR
  • Stalin promise at Yalta to allow free elections but turned Eastern Europe into a buffer zone between Soviet Union & Western Europe
  • Iron curtain speech:
    metaphorical iron curtain has split the Eats & west
    soviet influence very high in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow
  • Containment: US policy to keep communism where it is & not let it spread
  • Buffer zone: area of Soviet - controlled states that act as protection for USSR
  • The Long Telegram:
    1946 George Kenan (US embassy in Moscow) asked to provide summary & their intention in Eastern Europe in 8000 words
    said: USSR heavily armed & determined to spread communism
    -> but USA stronger than USSR & communism could be controlled
  • The Novikov Telegram:
    Soviet ambassador to USA , Novikov warned that USA emerge from WW2 economically strong & bent on world domination
    -> as result, USSR need to secure its buffer zone in Eastern Europe
    2 Telegrams set scene for Cold War
    • USSR attempt dominate Eastern Europe & spread communism
    • USA commit policy of containment
  • Impact of WW2, many European countries were in ruins,
    economic conditions, communism look attractive to poorer members of society
    Thought agreed at yalta & potsdam that USSR needed allies
    In Europe, west powers alarm at rate of communism take-over
    -> expected democratic government friendly with USSR
    • Stalin saw as security
    • Truman saw spread of communism
  • The Truman Doctrine:
    12th March 1947, President Truman made 18 minute speech outlined threat of communism posed across the world & announced his desire to stop it from spreading to other countries
    Truman promised support countries vulnerable to falling to communism & provided $400 aid Greece & Turkey
  • Consequences of Truman Doctrine:
    • USA introduce marshall plan
    • Greece defeated communists
    • Rivalry between USA & USSR increased; Truman stated world divided between 2 ways of life: free non-communist & unfree communist
    • USA committed to containment: USA intervene both economically & militarily to contain communism
  • Dollar imperialism: using money to increase their influence over other countries
  • Post-war Europe
    -> millions of citizens died, European countries owed $11.5 billion to USA
    Extreme shortages & goods, rationing was common
    -> USA felt that Europe recover & prosper few countries appeal to communism
  • Truman Doctrine
    June 1947 General George Marshall announce European Recovery Programme also known as Marshall Plan
  • Marshall Plan
    Between 1948 - 1952 US programme provided 16 European countries with $13 billion
    money used to repair war damages & build us industry
    In return, for countries to agree to buy American goods
  • Consequences of Marshall plan;
    By 1952, economies of Western Europe’s were prospering & spread of communism (in Europe) halted
    Signalled end of grand alliance
    -> USA direct opposition to USSR
    Aid was offered to countries in Eastern Europe
    -> stalin would not allow thorough review of their finances (east countries didn’t benefit from Marshall plan)
    1949, Soviet set up comecon -> provide economic aid to Eastern Europe
    Stalin saw marshal aid as a way of establishing American economic empire in Europe -> dollar imperialism
  • comecon: council for mutual assistance (jan 1949)
  • cominform: (October 1947) communist information bureau
    Aim: ensure unity in eastern Europe real aim: closely control communist parties
    It encourages communist parties to reject Marshall aid
  • cominform: (October 1947) intend purpose of coordinating between European countries parties under direction of soviet union
  • Comecon;
    1949, Stalin set up comecon (council for mutual economic assistance) (response to Truman doctrine)
    -> countries signed up to agree to work together & share resources -> led to economic growth in Eastern Europe
    -> Allowing USSR a vital role in domestic affairs of countries, exchange for subsides, loans / sending labour
  • Flashpoint: place, event or time which violence or hostility flares up
  • Bizonia: British & US zones joining together
  • West Germany : British, US , French zones join together (Trizonia)
  • 1948 Berlin became a flashpoint in the cold war
  • Cause of Berlin Blockade Bizonia (Britain & USA join zones)
    1948, Western allies decided to unite their sectors of Germany & introduce a new currency to west Germany & west Berlin
    Stalin was unhappy & planned separate currency for the east