
Cards (4)

  • Q1. Source A supports or criticises, how do you know? 4 marks
    Use contextual knowledge
    Inference on content & provenance
    Include your own knowledge
    Link how source supports/ criticises focus of question
  • Q2. How useful both sources are? 12 marks
    2 paragraphs
    State useful
    Make inference based on what’s in the source
    Include own knowledge
    Analyse sources provenance
    Write short conclusion on why they’re useful
  • Q3. Write an account of … 8 marks
    2 paragraphs
    (in chronological order)
  • Q4. Main reason for tension in years x was y. How far do you agree (16 marks + 4 SPAG)
    Judgement sentence (most important reason)
    • paragraph name factor caused tension
    • 2 paragraphs one other other factors - what were the events & how did they cause tension
    • Conclusion: whilst x was important because …, y was more important because… ( link together if you can)