The traditional manners, customs, habits, character, or attitude of a community or a group, which pertains to the group's standards or norms
A science
A practical science
A normative science
Based on reason
Human acts
Actions done by the human person based on knowledge and the full consent of the will
Acts of man
Actions done in the absence of either knowledge and will
Voluntary human conduct
Includes all actions as well as non-actions because the human person understands and wills these activities in relation to some end that he has in view
Provides norms for the goodness and badness of a certain act
Orients human person towards an ideal vision or goal that will lead him to happiness
That which an individual deems to be useful, desirable or significant; it sets in a man an idea of good that is inclined towards that which is objectively the fulfillment of the being of man
Moral vs. Non-moral
Ethics focuses on determining what good is and finding ways on how to know whether one's action is leading to his goodness or not
Immanuel Kant's moral bases
Human freedom
Immortality of the soul
Existence of God
Arguments for human freedom
Arguments for immortality of the soul
Arguments for existence of God
Division of ethics
General ethics: Identifies the moral norms that determine good and evil actions
Applied ethics: Focuses on applying general moral concepts and principles to specific situations in life