
Cards (18)

  • Pallic con
  • Vote for Participation in the USA Structure sheet
  • How citizens in the world power you have studied can participate in politics
    1. Voting in elections
    2. Election campaigning
    3. Participating in interest/pressure groups
  • Democracy
    Meaning citizens can vote for Senators and mayors
  • Elected positions in the USA
    • Over 1 million
  • Election campaigning
    Political parties will try to get their message out through many means such as email, advertising etc.
  • 2020 election campaign

    • Joe Biden raised $642 million
  • Interest/pressure groups
    Groups of people who strongly believe in a cause and will back candidates and causes with funding and media advertising
  • National Rifle Association

    • Set up in 1871, has more than 6 million members
  • Obstacles to voter registration

    • Voter ID laws
    • Convicted criminals unable to vote
    • Voter fatigue
    • Underrepresentation
  • Voter registration requirements
    1. 4 weeks before an election in many US states, to reduce fraud. However this can mean some citizens don't have the required ID
  • In 2020, there were 168.81 million people registered to vote in the USA, out of a population of 329.5 million
  • Some US states have "exact match" voter ID systems which can suspend voting rights if ID documents don't exactly match
  • In 2013, Wyoming passed a law to automatically restore voting rights 5 years after completing a criminal sentence
  • 59% of Americans feel exhausted by the political process
  • In the USA, the most economically disadvantaged and ethnic minorities are less likely to participate in the political process
  • In 2019, 191 million citizens voted for Democrats in the USA