Implementation of antimanic medications
1. Monitor the suicidal client, especially during improved mood and increased energy levels
2. Administer the medication with food to minimize GI irritation
3. Instruct the client to maintain a fluid intake of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
4. Instruct the client to avoid excessive amounts of coffee, tea, or cola, which have a diuretic effect
5. Instruct the client to maintain an adequate salt intake
6. Do not administer diuretics while the client is taking lithium
7. Instruct the client to avoid alcohol
8. Instruct the client to avoid over-the-counter medications
9. Instruct the client that he or she may take a missed dose within 2 hours of the scheduled time; otherwise the client should skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the scheduled time
10. Instruct the client not to adjust the dosage without consulting the physician, because lithium should be tapered off and not discontinued abruptly
11. Instruct the client in the signs and symptoms of lithium toxicity
12. Instruct the client to notify the physician if polyuria, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, or fever occurs
13. Instruct the client that the therapeutic response to the medication will be noted in 1 to 3 weeks
14. Monitor electrocardiogram (ECG), renal function tests, and thyroid tests