Used for patients with acute exacerbation of COPD, acute severe asthma, neuromuscular disease, acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, heart failure and cardiogenic shock, acute brain injury, and flail chest
Ventilatory failure
Occurs when the patient's minute ventilation cannot keep up with CO2 production
Oxygenation failure
Occurs when the cardiopulmonary system cannot provide adequate oxygen needed for metabolism
Airway resistance
The degree of airflow obstruction in the airways
According to the simplified form of Poiseuille's Law, the driving pressure (DP) to maintain the same airflow (V#) must increase by a factor of 16-fold when the radius (r) of the airway is reduced by only half of its original size
Clinical conditions that increase airway resistance
Airway resistance varies directly with the length and inversely with the diameter of the airway or ET tube
The major contributor to increased airway resistance is the internal diameter of the ET tube
Secretions inside the ET tube greatly increase airway resistance
The ventilator circuit may also impose mechanical resistance to airflow and contribute to total airway resistance, particularly when there is a significant amount of water in the ventilator circuit due to condensation
Airway resistance
Calculated by Pressure Change/Flow
Increase in airway resistance
Increases the work of breathing
If pressure change (work of breathing) is held constant and airway resistance increases
Flow decreases and minute ventilation decreases
Patients with chronic airway obstruction may develop highly compliant lung parenchyma and use a breathing pattern that is deeper but slower
Patients with restrictive lung disease (low compliance) breathe more shallowly but faster, since airflow resistance is not the primary disturbance in these patients
Lung compliance
Volume change (lung expansion) per unit pressure change (work of breathing)
Static compliance
Reflects the elastic resistance of the lung and chest wall
Dynamic compliance
Reflects the airway resistance (nonelastic resistance) and the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall
Examples of conditions that lead to decreased lung compliance
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Restrictive lung defects
Low lung volumes
Low minute ventilation
Emphysema is an example of high compliance where the gas exchange process is impaired due to chronic air trapping, destruction of lung tissues, and enlargement of terminal and respiratory bronchioles
Static compliance
Calculated by dividing the volume by the pressure (plateau pressure) measured when the flow is momentarily stopped. Reflects the elastic resistance of the lung and chest wall.
Dynamic compliance
Calculated by dividing the volume by the pressure (peak inspiratory pressure) measured when airflow is present. Reflects the airway resistance (nonelastic resistance) and the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall (elastic resistance).
Conditions causing changes in plateau pressure and static compliance
Invoke similar changes in peak inspiratory pressure and dynamic compliance
When airflow resistance is increased (e.g. bronchospasm)
Peak inspiratory pressure is increased while plateau pressure stays unchanged
Pressure-Volume (P-V) loop
Essentially a "compliance loop" that provides information on the characteristics of a patient's compliance
Shift of P-V slope toward pressure axis
Indicates a decrease in compliance
Shift of P-V slope toward volume axis
Indicates an increase in compliance
Shift of P-V slope and loop toward pressure axis
Shows a higher pressure is required to deliver the same volume (decrease in compliance)
For critically ill patients, dynamic compliance is between 30-40 mL/cm H2O and static compliance is between 40-60 mL/cm H2O
Compliance and volume change are directly related. In low compliance situations, minute ventilation decreases with decreased tidal volumes and increased frequencies.
Deadspace ventilation
Wasted ventilation or a condition in which ventilation is in excess of perfusion
Anatomic deadspace
The volume occupying the conducting airways that does not take part in gas exchange (estimated to be 1 mL/lb ideal body weight)
Decrease in tidal volume causes a relatively higher anatomic deadspace to tidal volume percent
Alveolar deadspace
The normal lung volume that has become unable to take part in gas exchange because of reduction or lack of pulmonary perfusion
Physiologic deadspace
Sum of anatomic and alveolar deadspace. Under normal conditions, it is about the same as anatomic deadspace.
Physiologic deadspace to tidal volume ratio (VD/VT)
Calculated as (PaCO2 - PE-CO2)/PaCO2. A value less than 60% is considered acceptable upon weaning from mechanical ventilation.
Ventilatory failure
The inability of the pulmonary system to maintain proper removal of carbon dioxide, resulting in hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis
Mechanisms leading to ventilatory failure
Persistent ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
Persistent intrapulmonary shunting
Persistent diffusion defect
Persistent reduction of inspired oxygen tension (PIO2)
Caused by depression of the central nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, airway obstruction, and other conditions. Characterized by reduced alveolar ventilation (VA) and increased arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2).