Used for patients with acute exacerbation of COPD, acute severe asthma, neuromuscular disease, acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, heart failure and cardiogenic shock, acute brain injury, and flail chest
According to the simplified form of Poiseuille's Law, the driving pressure (DP) to maintain the same airflow (V#) must increase by a factor of 16-fold when the radius (r) of the airway is reduced by only half of its original size
The ventilator circuit may also impose mechanical resistance to airflow and contribute to total airway resistance, particularly when there is a significant amount of water in the ventilator circuit due to condensation
Patients with restrictive lung disease (low compliance) breathe more shallowly but faster, since airflow resistance is not the primary disturbance in these patients
Emphysema is an example of high compliance where the gas exchange process is impaired due to chronic air trapping, destruction of lung tissues, and enlargement of terminal and respiratory bronchioles
Calculated by dividing the volume by the pressure (plateau pressure) measured when the flow is momentarily stopped. Reflects the elastic resistance of the lung and chest wall.
Calculated by dividing the volume by the pressure (peak inspiratory pressure) measured when airflow is present. Reflects the airway resistance (nonelastic resistance) and the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall (elastic resistance).
Compliance and volume change are directly related. In low compliance situations, minute ventilation decreases with decreased tidal volumes and increased frequencies.
Caused by depression of the central nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, airway obstruction, and other conditions. Characterized by reduced alveolar ventilation (VA) and increased arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2).