The clinician sets the target pressure but the patient initiates the breath (patient triggered). The ventilator delivers the set pressure above baseline pressure to assist the patient's breathing effort.
The independent variable that will be used to establish gas flow to the patient. In volume control ventilation, the volume selected is constant and independent of what happens to pressure. In pressure control ventilation, the pressure remains constant, but volume delivery changes as lung characteristics change.
Allows the clinician to set a maximum pressure, which reduces the risk of overdistention of the lungs by limiting the amount of positive pressure applied to the lung
Delivers a decelerating flow pattern during inspiration, which has been suggested to spare more normal areas of the lungs from overinflation
May be more comfortable for patients who can breathe spontaneously
All breaths are spontaneous and are therefore patient triggered. These spontaneous breaths may be assisted (e.g., pressure support ventilation) or unassisted (e.g., CPAP)