we are all born with basic cognitive progression but it gets more complex as we age
4 stages in development - sensorimotor - peroperational - concrete operational - formal operational
sensorimotor is 0 - 2 years
preoperational is 2 - 7 years
concrete operational stage is 7 - 11 years
formal operational stage is 11+ years
sensorimotor - childs knowledge is limited to what their senses tell them - explore and begin to develop object permenance
peroperational stage - has some language but makes logic mistakes - cannot do conservation or three mountains task - show egocentrism
concrete operational - logic improves can do conservation tasks - no longer show egocentrism - cannot use abstract reasoning - understand class inclusion that you can belong to more than one category at a time
formal operational - child is much more advanced - can use abstract reasoning in problem solving - can use hypothesis and theoretical principles
piaget used his ideas of schemas in this work
schemas - contain all the info you know about something
schemas - help you organise and interpret info - info is assimilated or accomodated
when info is taken in it can lead to equilibrium or disequilibrium
piaget used the mountain task as evidence for the theory
mountains had different landmarks on them - children asked to put the doll so she can see whats in the photo
children are little scientists who learn through experimenting
schemas are bad - lead to incorrect inferences
sensorimotor criticism - Bower and wishart - methodological criticism - changed methodology and object permenance shown much earlier on
crit preoperational - mcgarngile and donaldson - naughty teddy study - 68% of 4-6 could conserve if change was accidental
concrete operational crit - schaffer asked children where they would put a 3 dolls to hide from police - 90% 3 year olds hid 1 doll - 90% of 4 year olds hid 2 dolls
formal operational - bradmetz - 15yr olds given a formal reasoning task - only one showed formal reasoning - more research shows pfc doesn't develop onto mid 20s
piaget crit - madows criticised piaget that maturation cannot be sped up - meadows found that direct tuition can speed up development
piaget crit - cultural bias - children in his studies were from academics at the uni
piaget strength - plowden report - review of primary education based on piagets work