State crime

Cards (4)

  • Green and Ward (2005)

    'illegal or deviant activities perpertrated by or with the complicity of state agencies'
    • Genocide
    • War crimes
    • Torture
    • Imprisonment without trial
    • Execution
  • McLaughlin (2001)
    Four categories of state crime:
    • Political
    • Crimes by security and police forces
    • Economic
    • Social and cultural
  • Human rights
    Natural and civil rights
    Violation of basic huma rights rather than the breaking of legal rules
  • Five neutralisation techniques - Matza (1957)
    • Denial of victim
    • Denial of injury
    • Denial of responsibility
    • Condemning the condemners
    • Appeal to higher loyalty
    The state has the power to commit state crimes but uses these techniques to legitimise their actions