Chap. 7

Subdecks (3)

Cards (112)

  • What is beta oxidation?

    metabolic reactions that oxidize free fatty acids to produce acetyl coa
  • Where are fatty acids attatched to when transported into working cells?
  • Fatty acids must be activated by a coenzyme before being shuttled across the mitochondreal membrane by carnitnie
  • Is protein used as energy during periods of starvation?
  • When is stored energy released?
    sleep, fasting, exercise
  • What is extra energy stored as?
    carbs in limited amounts
  • What is extra energy stored as?
    fat in unlimited amounts
  • Where does glucose come from during short term fasting?
    glucogenic AAs and glycerl
  • During starvation, what provides glucose to the brain?
    muscle and organ proteins