Week 11

Cards (31)

  • Vitamins and minerals do not directly provide or calories to the body
  • Vitamins and minerals often serve the purpose as coenzymes
  • B-vitamins are important for energy metabolism
  • B vitamins circulate quickly throughout the body. Deficiency comes quickly and is often resolved quickly.
  • COfactor: substance that enhances or is essential for an enzyme to function. usually are minerals
  • Coenzyme: organic cofactor
  • Coenzyme thiamin diphosphate is require for metabolism of glucose and branched chain AAs
  • Thiamine contributes to carb and protein mteabolism
  • Thamin deficiency: muscle wasting and nerve damage
  • Riboflavin is needed in oxidation reduction reactions within the electron transport chain (FAD + FADH2)
  • Ariboflavinosis: riboflavin deficiency, sore throat and mucosa
  • Niacin: required for oxi-redox reactions of carbs, proteins, and fats (NAD + NADH
  • Pellagra: niacin deficiency, dermatitis, diarreha, dementia
  • Pyridoxine: aa and used in carb metabolism (transamination, glyco- gluco-neogenesis
  • Pyridoxine (B6): toxicity can lead to nerve damage
  • Pyridoxine (B6): deficiency affects skin, blood, nerves
  • Panthotenic acid: essential as a coenzyme, no adverse affects from excesss. deficiencies are rare
  • Biotin: component of coenzymes used for carbs, fat, and protein metabolism
  • Biotin: deficiencies are seen in large consumption of raw egg whites, or intravenous feeding
  • Choline: vitamin-like, fat and cholesterol meta/transport
  • Choline deficiency: fat accumulation in liver
  • Lack of vitamin B intake can impact the ability of person for physical activity, and work performance.
  • Vitamin B is lost to unenriched processed food or milled grains
  • Iodine: thyroid hormones. regulates body temperature, energy meta, and important for reproduction and growth
  • Excess iodine interferes with thyroid function
  • Hypothyroidism: low thyroid hormone, cold body temp, weigth gain, sluggish, and fatigue
  • Chromium: assists insulin to transport glucose from the bloodsream.
  • Chromium deficiency inhibits glucose uptake into cells, rise in glucose and insulin levls
  • Manganese: cofactor in protein and fat. carb metabolism, gluconeoenesis, cholesterol, and insulin.
  • Manganese toxicity impairs the nervous system and causes spasms and tremors
  • Sulfur: compinent of thiamin and biotin. part of methionine and cysteine