Cards (7)

  • Why are zoos important?
    1. Centres of scientific research
    2. Captive breeding programmes
    3. Reintroduction of species
    4. Education about different species
  • What do captive breeding programmes do?
    Increase the population of a species. This allows genetic diversity to be maintained in a captive population. Therefore reducing the extinction of species.
    • however, it can lead to inbreeding depression and genetic drift
  • What are studbooks?
    Records that track which individuals of the same species have mated to prevent inbreeding.
  • What is genetic drift?
    Change in allele frequency over time due to chance.
    • can lead to a reduction in genetic diversity and lead to loss of alleles from the population.
    • this has a larger impact on smaller populations
  • What is inbreeding depression?
    In a small population, there is an increase in mating between closely related individuals.
    • the no. of homozygous individuals increases, increasing recessive alleles
    • no. of heterozygous individuals decreases
    • as a result, less fit offspring is produced with lower lifespan
  • How to know if a population is inbred?
    They have low genetic diversity due to:
    • low heterozygous individuals
    • high no. of homozygous individuals with recessive alleles.
  • Why might animals in captivity not be released into the wild?
    • they are needed for the captive breeding programme
    • they aren't ready to be reintroduced into the wild
    • they would be at risk of predators if released