We are split into two classes, the proletariat which is the working class and the bourgeoisie who are the ruling class
The bourgeoisie own the means of production which means that they own everything
Bourgeoisie oversees everything and exploits the proletariat
Marx wanted communism and we are capitalist
It is a conflict theory between the bourgeoisie and proletariat
Marx wanted a revolution
The bourgeoisie had all of the wealth as all of the money went to them
The bourgeoisie oppressed the proletariat
The ruling class ideology set false but an influential set of ideas to make sure that the working class accepted capitalism and didn't threaten its stability
Marxism wanted to remove false consciousness
Marxism is against the bourgeoisie and proletariat system
Marxism is against the bourgeoisie and proletariat system
Get rewarded for the work you do
You can see the theory in action everyday
Overlooks social divisions such as gender and ethnicity
A revolution hasn't occurred in capitalist societies and Marx's' ideas are now outdated
Marx saw social class based on economic divisions but not social status
Is it still relevant?
It is still relevant because in covid we closed the small businesses and kept the bigger businesses open.