Assessment Reviewer 1st topic

Subdecks (4)

Cards (60)

  • Diagnostic Assessment

    A form of pre-assessment that allows a teachers to determine individual students' prior knowledge including misconception before instruction
  • Formative Assessment
    Assessment that takes place during instruction to provide the teachers with information regarding how well the learning objectives of a given activity are being met
  • Summative Assessment
    Assessment used to evaluate students' learning at the end of a defined instructional periods
  • Types of Summative Assessments
    • Paper and pencil test
    • Non-paper and pencil test
  • Authentic Assessment
    Assessment where the knowledge and skills of the students are assessed in a context that approximates the real world or real life as closely as possible
  • Criterion-Referenced Assessment

    Assessment where the students' performance is compared against a criterion of success which is a predetermined standard
  • Norm-Referenced Assessment

    Assessment where the students' performance is compared against the performance of other students
  • Contextualized Assessment
    Assessment where the focus is on the students' construction of functioning knowledge
  • Decontextualized Assessment
    Assessment that does not necessarily have a direct connection to real life context