evaluating written text based on its properties

Cards (42)

  • Well-written text
    Has the four properties: paragraph organization, coherence and cohesion, language use, and mechanics
  • Organization
    • How the ideas in the text are organized or how the paragraph is arranged with its introduction, body, and conclusion
    • Must have a topic sentence or main idea
  • Techniques for organizing a paragraph
    1. Sequential order
    2. Spatial order
    3. Complexity order
    4. Listing order
  • Coherence
    Helps ideas stick to each other by using techniques like topic sentences, logical sequencing, and defining/narrating/describing/classifying
  • Cohesion
    Helps ideas become meaningful by sticking together at the sentence level using transitional devices, pronouns, coordinators/subordinators, and lexical patterning
  • Transitional devices

    • Giving emphasis
    • Stating contrast
    • Summarizing
    • Giving examples
    • Adding similar points
    • Proving
    • Showing exception
    • Showing time
  • Pronouns
    Words or phrases that substitute for nouns when the reader already knows which noun is being referred to
  • Coordinators and subordinators

    Coordinators combine sentences/ideas of equal value, subordinators combine sentences/ideas where one is more important
  • Lexical patterning
    Changing the function of a word into another part of speech
  • Language use
    Refers to the communicative meaning of language, including style/register, denotative and connotative language, figures of speech, and idiomatic expressions
  • Register or style
    • Narrative, persuasive, descriptive, or expository
    • Spoken or written, formal or informal
    • Field, tenor, and mode
  • Denotation
    Literal, objective, and constant meaning of a word
  • Connotation
    Non-literal, subjective association of a word that can be negative, neutral, or positive
  • Figures of speech
    Intentional deviations from literal statement or common usage to create a literary effect
  • Denotation
    The literal, dictionary definition of a word
  • Connotation
    The deeper, implied meaning of a word when used in context
  • Characteristics of Denotation
    • Literal
    • Objective
    • Applied Constantly
  • Denotative meaning is the literal meaning or definition of a word from the dictionary
  • Connotative meaning is the deeper meaning or implication of a word when used in a text
  • Figure of Speech
    Any intentional deviation from literal statement or common usage that emphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language
  • Common Figures of Speech
    • Simile
    • Metaphor
    • Personification
    • Hyperbole
    • Oxymoron
  • Simile
    Comparing things, ideas, and persons figuratively with the use of the words 'like' or 'as'
  • Metaphor
    Comparing things figuratively without using the words 'like' or 'as'
  • Personification
    Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects
  • Hyperbole
    Exaggerating statements to create a literary effect
  • Oxymoron
    Placing two opposite words together
  • Idiomatic Expression

    Expressions that do not give the literal meaning of the words but have a figurative meaning
  • Idiomatic Expressions
    • Break a leg (wishing a person good luck)
    • You are the apple of my eye (the person whom you loved most)
  • Mechanics
    The rules and technicalities that assist with readability, clarity, and flow in writing, including spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
  • Editing for Mechanics
    1. Checking for spelling errors
    2. Checking for punctuation errors
    3. Checking for capitalization errors
  • The pronoun 'I' should always be capitalized
  • Proper nouns like names of persons, places, holidays, days, and months should be capitalized
  • The first letter of a sentence should be capitalized
  • Sentences should end with a period, questions should end with a question mark, and items in a series should be separated by commas
  • When in doubt about spelling, consult a dictionary
  • March 13, 2020 marked the last day that students and teachers reported to school for the 2019-2020 school year
  • The whole country was put in lockdown due to the threat of COVID-19
  • Quarantine protocols became the best remedy for the COVID-19 health crisis
  • Certain sectors and establishments were considered essential and allowed to operate during the lockdown
  • Quarantine protocols included temperature checks, use of hand sanitizers, disinfection, physical distancing, and restrictions on certain age groups